Chapter 5: A Mimosa a Day

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Making their way across the concrete path, Neku and Haru were beginning to grow tired from all the walking. They knew their answers could be a shot in the dark, but was all this walking really worth getting them? Neku pulled from his pocket, the Onigiri he bought back at the store and took a bite. Taking in all the satisfying flavors, he hadnt heard Harus question for him.


"AHH, HUH?!" Neku shouted in startlement, as he looked to Haru. "Oh! Sorry, you seemed distracted. I figured uhh- maybe I could ask a bit about you while we walk! I mean- It would help us get better acquainted, yeah?"

"...Hmmm..I guess thats a good point. You first. How'd you get your talent?" Neku asked, as Haru thought. "Never actually clarified that, did I? Well, ever since I was a little girl. My brother wanted to be a Racer, and..I always wanted to be a Princess on Ice! I know thats- kinda childish nowadays, but..Cmon! The title Ice Princess sounds adorable!"

"Yeah, its a cute little nickname. Your brother by the way..Riku? Hes a-" Neku asked, as Haru assured. "The Ultimate Racer! Nobodys ever beaten him in a single race since he was 11 years old! When we came to the school, I was..I think 15? Hes 16, so hes a year older than me."

"...Can I ask, when people were saying those things about your brother. I wont judge, of course! As..I know that feeling of everyone labeling you as some criminal when you simply make a few mistakes, or.." Neku mumbled with his words, as Haru sighed. "Lets just say..Riku- got himself into a bit of trouble when he had his beginnings. Ever since, he snuck out on my parents to attend races. Due to it, my parents started putting strict expectations into me on being the upmost perfect girl."

"Is..that why youre always so headfirst, and positive?" Neku asked, as Haru nervously chuckled. "Aha..You noticed those traits to me, huh? Oh boy..Well, lets make sure those are the only ones you see!"

"...Should I fear that you have a very vicious angry side to you that scares even the strongest of men, or-" Neku raised an eyebrow in concern, as Haru chuckled. "Well im not THAT scary when Im mad! ..I dont think anyways. My brother however?"

She froze, staring off nervously before chuckling. "....Lets keep it at you dont wanna know how he can be when mad."

"Noted!" Neku said, becoming nervous. 'Makes me feel sorry for whatever guy ends up with her on this place. ...Specially if its that Aaron dude?'

Eventually the duo reached what looked to be a shack of sorts, with a pool just outside. The sign above the entrance reading a certain name that peaked Nekus intrigue.

"Bakattos Sunset Cabana?" Neku read aloud. "Odd name, but Im gonna guess a Mini Bar of sorts?"

"Possibly, yeah. Jeez, kinda smells like my house on a Saturday night." Haru said, putting her shirt over her jacket. "Except no screaming, or furniture being thrown."

'...What type of hell did she grow up in?!'

Neku brushed off said thoughts, and made his way into the Cabana as he then realized. There was some new faces here. Two people were sitting together, while there was a grown rugged man in one of the corners. Sipping away at a beer, and staring off blankly into nothing.

Neku got a look and noticed the two new faces. The first was a red-headed female who seemed to wear a tiny polka dot yellow hat on top. The many polka dots were colored red, blue, and purple. She also donned an orange shirt with the same polka dots, alongside with a yellow vest also donning them. She also had a brown bowtie, and dark yellow pants with blue, purple, and red stripes on the leggings, and her pockets seem to be inside out. Her shoes were brown, and her socks were yellow, sharing the polka dots that the other pieces of her clothing have. She seemed to be a bit tired and irritated, drinking some kind of liquid and mumbling to herself. Whilst glaring at the man, who..was very awkwardly attempting to flirt with her.

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