Chapter 6: Shes Here

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Entering the Lobby of the Hotel, Neku stared in awe at the sheer detail of the room. Twin free floating spiral staircases, that looked like DNA helixes. The walls with finely carved and decorated wood, colored with gold leaf trim.

A stained glass window in the back behind a front desk that showed a Black and White Cat, and a Husky/Shepard mix. The scene looking similar to something out of Dantes Inferno, Neku noted. The floor made of fine marble, with decorations such as flower vases filled with bouquets carefully placed, and busts of historical figures. However, the faces..Having the same cat as in the stained glass.

"Someone here loves Cats." Aaron chuckled to himself. "Either crazy Cat Lady, or someone just really loves Pussy!"

"A bit much, if you ask me." Madison noted.

"Kenshiro love Cats though! But..Kenshiro even weirded out by big displays." Kenshiro spoke worriedly.

"As a Cat Lover myself, yeah uhh..Too much for me." Neku spoke begrudgingly.

"Kinda smells like Grandmas. Minus the trauma, and gaslighting!" Roxy laughed.

"So, is this everyone then?" Dennis asked, as he looked to one of the walls to notice. A crucifix containing what was presumed to be Jesus, however..It was a Cat. That same Cat whos head was on the Artifacts, and stained glass. The Cat was a mixture of black and white across its body, with one eye being blue and catlike, and the other being a robotic eye with a blood red color.

"Oh for the love of God, what is this unholy abomination." Dennis asked angrily.

"Unholy abomination? Pretty sure youre speaking for yourself there." Toshiro remarked, smirking all the while.

"I dont know..Needs more Spiders in here!" Roxy shouted with enthusiasm.

"...Yknow shes not so bad when shes not-" Toshiro said, as Roxy began screeching loudly. Looking around for places to put Spider related decorations. Toshiro sighing. "I stand corrected."

"U-Uhm..Nick?" Ayumu asked, tugging at her brothers sleeve. "Its..Its too loud in here, I..Im feeling a bit- scared."

"I- can agree with that, Sis. One second." Nick said to Ayumu as he stood tall. "Everyone? Can we- CAN WE CALM DOWN PLEASE?!"

"You! Its my Job to yell and put everyone in their places! EVERYONE BE QUIET!" Roger shouted assertively, as Ayumu backed down in fear shaking badly.

"O-Oh! I apologize, Miss!" Roger said, bowing to Ayumu. "Please forgive my rude tone! I simply want to ensure we stay diligent and ready for any threat!"

"Theres better ways to do that, Mr Davidson." Kai sighed, as he stood assertively. "Everyone, we must remain calm and figure out whats going on."

"Well, where do we even start with that?!" Evelyn asked begrudgingly. "Secondly, Im ready to just-" she yawned. "Lay back in bed and..Sleep for the next few weeks."

"...I think its safe to say, both you and Ryu would never make it out in the field of Battle." Milo spoke directly, as Evelyn rolled her eyes. "Im already in a battlefield with my producers who watch my ass 24/7!"

"Ay dios mío." Dora spoke, trying to compose herself, as then. She noted something. "Hmm.." She walked to the front desk and began ringing the bell. "¿Hola? ¿Estuvieron aquí debido al anuncio?"

"...Whats she saying?" Neku asked, as Haru shook her head. "Unfortunately, im- not too sure."

Dora turned around and to the others. "No sign of anyone, Amigos."

"N-No sign of any humans?!" Ichigo nervously asked. Looking to the material of the stairs, he took note. "Huh. Actually, unrelated but..Look at this."

"....Its a Staircase." Toshiro stared back unamused as Ichigo reassured. "W-Wait lemme explain! This staircase here goes against physics, since theres no central support! Itd be safe to go up, but..Makes you wonder, who could afford any of this?!"

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