Chapter 7: A Harrowing Reality

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Waking up from his sleep, Neku pulled himself out of bed and could barely keep his eyes open. Attempting to readjust to his surroundings, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and attempted to look around. "What a crazy ass nightmare.." Neku muttered to himself, yawning as his eyes fully readjusted and the sounds of loud seagulls rang through his ears.

"...Goddammit, so it wasnt a nightmare?" Neku groaned, laying his head back down on the pillow. Turning to his bedside, he squinted his eyes. "What the hell?"

On the bedside table was a basket full of treats and other goodies similar to what his gang gave him before the departure, however..There was also a note inside.

"A Gift for you, Neku Osaka. Containing all your favorite things, that shalt be restocked everyday. A means to keep your Hope alive in this harrowing situation. Love, Monodog."

"...Ok, the thought is sweet but. How do I know this isnt a trap?" Neku asked himself, squinting his eyes in confusion.

Looking through the basket, Neku sighed. "Ok, so its mostly just a goodies basket. Great to- ...Huh?" Behind the basket, Neku then noticed something. A spray can labeled chromium paint. "...Isnt that supposed to be super deadly?" Neku asked aloud. Sighing, he stood up. "I guess I better tell the others, but..After last night?"

Suddenly, a loud knocking at the door. "HEYYYY! Anyone home?" Roxy was heard shouting from outside.

"...Just ignore her, Neku. Remember your Karma." Neku muttered to himself, as he went toward the closet and picked out a new outfit.

"Roxy, perhaps we should head to the Dining Hall like Madison mentioned?" Dora asked from outside. "Perhaps hes still asleep."

"Mmmm, but Madison said to wake Mr Grumpy Pants up! Remember?" Roxy chuckled. "Heee also kinda missed out on the big memo from her during Dinner last night."

"Memo?" Neku thought to himself, as he began quietly changing. Taking off his shirt, he slipped on a cleaner one as well as putting on cleaner pants. Removing his beanie, he noted that by one of the desks in his room with a TV atop, a little laundry bin. Tossing the dirty clothes in, he got himself put into clean clothes. Looking around his bedside table for potentially a comb, brush, or anything whatsoever for his hair. He found a comb, as he began to hear Roxy and Dora walk off down the hall.

Sighing with relief, Neku walked into the bathroom beginning to comb his hair for the day. Deciding to try a new hair color, he reached into one of the drawers, looking for some hair dye. Luckily, he found some which only raised his suspicions more.

"...Did our kidnapper appeal to our behaviors or needs?" Neku asked himself. Shaking it off, he cleaned the colors out of his hair as he watched his hair become a dark black. "..Alright, now. What hairstyle should I try today? Maybe..Sky Blue? Could be interesting."

Going through the Process, Neku began to dye his hair slowly and as he was beginning to finish. .. He then heard loud running through the halls, and Roxy screaming something loudly.

"TRIAL OF THE DRAGONNNN!" She shouted, as suddenly what sounded like a door being busted down rang through Nekus ears.

"AAAAAAAAAAH!" Neku screamed in horror, as Roxy soon followed after. "AAAAAAAAAAAAA- wait why are we screaming exactly?"

"More like why the hell did you just bust through my door like that?! Whats wrong with you?!" Neku asked angrily.

"Hmmmmm...Lets see. Well, I have ADHD, Depression, Anxiety..My mom however always just said Im special! ...And now I smell toast. ...Buttered Toast." Roxy said in a mysterious voice. "Yknow my Mom always told me. If you smell toast? Youre either about to stroke out-" She stopped and began speaking ominously. "Or something ominous is about to happen."

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