<Chapter 1> A New Chance

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Y/N marched up  to the foot of the facility, Fazbear Entertainment INC. She knocked a simple two times, awaiting for an answer. "Excuse me? Im Y/N, here from the call just a week ago, about the new job application."
She shouted, putting her ear against the door. She instantly backed away as she heard the door coming unlocked just a second later. "Ah yes, please, wont you come in!" A middle aged man with a grey button down and black slacks opened the door and guided her in.

The room was a small office with a table and two chairs along with a complimentary soda machine, weirdly enough. Y/N brushed off the cushion chair and sat politely, while the man in front of her filed stacked papers on the table.
"I know we had briefly discussed over the phone of your qualifications, but, I do have a few questions if you don't mind." He said while sipping a drink out of what appeared to be a Freddy Fazbear mug.
"Oh, of course! I don't mind at all, just ask away." she kindly said, making sure to add an extra oomph of politeness so she was sure to get the job. He cleared his throat then spoke again, "So to begin with, could you give me a brief description of your background?"

She silently nodded in return. "Well firstly, my names Y/N as you know, I'm 24 and id say I've always lived here in Hurricane so I know my way around pretty well. I-, uh, currently I'm living out on my own in a small apartment complex with my cat, Blackjack."

The man said nothing but nodded. "Continuing on, do you have any strengths or weaknesses we should be aware of?" Y/N took a second to think, putting a finger on her chin. "Well, id say my best strength is that I don't get tired easily as other people, considering this is a night shift, so I'm sure to keep my eyes wide open and do the job efficiently!"

Y/N laughed at her little joke but stopped as she realized she just needed to cut to the answers. "Weaknesses id say, well.. its rather dumb but, Im not a fan of bugs of any kind." She shivered just thinking about them.
"Well I'm sure you'll have nothing to worry about, if anything, all the bugs are already deceased in there, nothing survives in there let me tell you." He snickered.

Y/N nervously laughed as he suggested that. "Alright, lastly, why do you want this job?"
Y/N took a strong breathe in. "Well to simply put it, my whole life I grew up around Freddy Fazbears and I figured working for this.. new type of attraction Freddy's has never done before, it could be genuinely enjoyable I think."
At the end there, Y/N stuttered a bit in her words but she felt confident in her answer.

The man looked over the papers he held, going over them and nodding. "Right, that will be all, welcome to the team! Please call me Mr. Matthew's." He gave out an open hand across the table, Y/N gladly shook his hand. "Thank you, I'll make sure to not disappoint." "Oh I'm sure you wont, I got a good feeling we found the one, the real one qualified for this job!" He smiled.
Y/N got up and opened the door, ready to leave and begin her shift tomorrow night.
Before it shut, Matthew's called out to her at the last millisecond. "Wait! Y/N, There's something I forgot to tell you.!" She paused in her tracks and looked back, still holding open the door.
"Yeah, what is it?" Matthew's just stood there for a hot minute, glancing down to the side then looking back up at her. "An important rule of thumb while your working your time there, if you see anything.. unusual, its best not to tamper with it. Just let it be and guide it away." He replied, sounding slightly worried.


Y/N asked. "Look- i mean, I'm sure nothing bad will happen, its just.." He scratched the back of his head. "Just Make sure to keep your guard up." He tried to sound reassuring.
"Oh! Uh, right. Will do, Mr. Matthew's." She let out a self-conscious laugh and closed the door behind her.

Y/N walked out to her car near the sidewalk, starting the ignition. What did he really mean back there?.. it just seemed like he brushed his own question off. She thought, while closing out her GPS and began to drive back home.
Suddenly her phone buzzed from within her pocket.
Righttt, Andrew did say he would call me. She answered the call and placed her phone on her shoulder while leaning against it, so it stayed in place.

"Hey, so, today was your interview right??, hope it was- hopefully my memory hasn't gone to absolute shit." He chuckled as Y/N giggled along. "mhm! And well.. I got the job!" She ecstatically added.
"Ah, thats awesome! Man, here I am stuck working at a supermarket and your lucky ass gets to work at a freaking Horror Attraction!" She smiled, chuckling at his comment.

"Yeah alright, it is pretty cool now that I think about it." She replied. "What was it.. it's run by that old company.. oh, what's the name-, Fazbear Entertainment! Right?" "Yep! The old company franchise we used to fond over completely as kids, you remember that? The times when mom would take us to Freddy Fazbears Pizza here in Hurricane?" Andrew made a tch sound through the phone as Y/N made her comment.
"Of course I do! My best childhood memories were made there! Man, that place was so much fun back then, but now, its geared for teens and people are age, so thats pretty cool in itself." He suggested.  "Yeah, thats true!.. Well, its been great chatting and all but I'm coming up to the parking lot."

"Ay its alright, we can call  again whenever your free, because i wanna know all about what happened that first night, believe me!" Y/N got out of her car, closing the door. "Yeah of course, we can do that." She added, "Oh! And this might be a bit of a stretch but.. if you do happen to see the old Freddy animatronic, could you maybe- take a picture of him for me?" Y/N sighed yet smiled. "Yeah I can probably do that since I got the whole night to myself, he's still your favorite out of them all, hm?"
She replied as she then walked up to her apartment door.

"Always has been, you know that! and what about Bonnie, he's still your main?"  He smirked. Y/N laughed at his snarky remark, "okay, fair enough. Anyways, ill call you when I can, love ya bro." "Yeah, love you too." Y/N hung up and ended the call, and unlocked her front door.

She sighed happily, as she knew she was finally back home after a long day of stress and overthinking. As soon as she came in, she put down her keys on the counter and sluggishly dragged herself to the bathroom, taking off her clothes and hoping into a steamy shower oasis.
Scrtchhh, scrtchhh, "Jesus! What the hell..?-" She yelped as she took her hands off of her head as she was just about to rinse her hair. She peaked through the curtains, yet nobody was there luckily, perhaps it was just paranoia. Y/N shrugged, merely ignoring it and continuing on. Then, it happened again, Scrtchhh. "OK, now I know I'm not hearing shit now." She said aloud, trying to give herself confidence.

She quickly hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body, slowly opening the door. She took a great sigh of relief, looking down to see Blackjack laying on his back and spread out.
She kneeled down to his level and pointed to the small scratch marks on bottom of the door, "you see this? Bad, I told you about this. NO scratching on doors- or even anything!" Like the cat knew he was supposed to listen and stop, no way was he paying attention whatsoever.
Y/N finally got dressed in lay-around clothes and microwaved one of those refrigerated all-in-one meals you'd find for a rather cheap price. She then turned on the true-crime channel and quickly ate, slowly drifting into a food coma and eventually, into deep slumber.

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