<Chapter 10> Cravings (Part 1) 🍋

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"Getting started?- W-What else do you..plan to do?" Y/N stuttered in her words as she laid her head back a little against his chest, "Im afraid I cannot tell you, why, it'd just spoil the fun~!" He replied quite joyously as he used one of his hands to run his fingers through her sleek and soft hair.
"But- I will tell you what I want you to do, behave like a little puppet of mine dear, and nobody should get hurt." Springtrap said with a sinister look behind his eyes, Y/N now realized the fate she was in, knowing that the rest of tonight would not be up to her choice.

He licked his lips as he held her close, "Now little lamb~, face me where I can study that pretty like face of yours~.." Without a second thought, she got up and faced him while straddling her legs around him, feeling rather intimate.
"Is this good..?" Y/N asked shyly, he nodded as an answer. "God, your beautiful Y/N.." Springtrap genuinely said as he put one hand on her waist and the other cupping her cheek, "wow- I..thank you", she had no idea how long he wanted to say that ever since he first laid his eyes on her.

"Hey, we should be okay here from the Phantoms, and I don't want to waste a single moment here~" Springtrap closed his eyes and began to lean in closer towards Y/N while caressing her back.
Phantoms? You mean those weirdly colored anima- wait, is he going in for a kiss?!
Her mind felt unprepared but her body, felt quite the opposite, Y/N also decided to leaned in- there lips finally meeting together in one.

The kiss lasted about five seconds long, Springtrap was the one to break apart from it and fell completely in awe, "Y/N, I had no idea how soft those lips were!~ Your an amazing kisser I must say."
Even he blushed just a soft shade of pink, "t-thank you, I feel like I really enjoyed that actually..!" Y/N softly smiled as she felt more comfortable around him as she put both hands on his shoulders, realizing that this- was the love she had been craving.

Springtrap chuckled under his breath, "Well if thats so, then I bet you'll enjoy whats coming next~" He seductively suggested as he started to sneak a hand up her shirt without her realization.
With Y/N still lost in his eyes, she felt something reaching underneath her shirt and immediately under her bra, "Hey what are you- ahh~!" she unexpectedly moaned as he clamped his hand down onto her breast.

"Do you like how that feels, little lamb?"
He smiled as he teased her nipple in small circular motions, "Fu.."  With quivering legs, she held back another moan.
"Was that a little curse I almost heard?, Hm~?" He said teasingly as he pinched down harder, beginning to grope her ass with his other hand.

"O-oh!~.. Shut up, so what if I did almost curse.." She replied with shaky breath. Springtrap noticed Y/N's legs beginning to shake and decided that he would take the next step for his plan.
"Hey Y/N, if you done mind me asking.. are you a virgin?" He asked her as he continued to grope her chest, as well as her ass.
Y/N felt like she had stopped breathing once he asked her that specific question, "Well..no, but..I haven't had sex in a long while, 6 months maybe? Why do you ask?"
she couldn't remember the exact date but she knew it felt like forever ago at least.

"Very well, I can gladly change that then~" "Wait, wha-" "Now what I want you to do is get off and get on the floor, lay down and face up, darling~" He grinned, waiting for her to do the rest.
Y/N could practically feel her face burning like a mini-furnace with that unexpected and sudden request, asking herself if she was really going to go through with this and let an animatronic fuck her..
Eh, whats the worst that could happen? Im one hundred percent sure robots weren't made with built in semen- Although, now that I think about it, does he even have a dick?!
Questions began to grow as he waited for her to do what she was told.

"Come on darling, I don't have all night for you to get into position", Springtrap huffed under his breath. "Oh- right..sorry, I-Ill do that now." Y/N stood up and got off his lap, crouching down and eventually to lay on the cold and hard floor.
"I've never done..this way before, I'll tell you now so you know, but- I've always done Doggy-style position.."
Y/N swallowed hard while admitting the truth that she'd had never done Missionary before, she couldn't bare to make eye-contact during intimate sex.

Springtrap chuckled evilly to her confession, "Well, theres a first time for everything, don't you agree?." He then took his turn to get off the chair and crouch on the floor in front of her.
He then made his next step to reach over her and start unbuttoning her work shirt, tossing it to the side and leaving her just in her bra.
Springtrap took a minute to admire her curves, tracing his fingers along her sides. Y/N flinched as his cold fingers then made their way to her chest again, "Sit up for me darling~".

Y/N silently did what she was told as Springtrap then unclipped her bra, making it fall onto her lap. "God, your stunning, absolutely stunning! Why, I'm getting hungry just looking at you.."
Springtrap replied as he licked his lips. He couldn't help himself and went to crouch down over her, beginning to lap at her nipples with his tongue.
Y/N threw her head back as his tongue worked her out and instantly began to feel wet.

Y/N then caressed the top of his head while giving him praise, "g-good boy..oh! That feels so good.." Springtrap didn't expect something like that to ever come out of her mouth but he found it as an instant turn on.
By her words as well, he made sure to make her feel extra good by slightly biting and giving kisses up to her collarbone and up her neck. In response, Y/N took her hand and began to make her way down to her pussy, sliding her hand down her pants.

Springtrap then suddenly and forcefully pulled her hand away as she tried to pleasure herself, "not yet, I do the actions~ And you dear, moan to your little hearts desire!~", he replied as he continued to suck on her neck, eventually leaving hickeys tracing down her body.
"Oh Jesus Christ..you really know how to make me feel good with that mouth.." Y/N softly said, feeling as if she was in a daze and even seeing stars at this point.
Springtrap eventually stopped after a good five minutes, deciding it was time to move on to more pleasurable ideas of his own of what he had in mind for tonight..

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