<Chapter 4> Imaginary

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Y/N woke up the next morning, finding herself in her own bed, almost everything that happened from last night seemed like a blur to her memory. She didn't even remember coming home last night.
She stood up to go to the bathroom to brush her teeth and to clean her face. There was a knock suddenly, coming from the front door, Y/N had a pretty good feeling who it was.

While drying her face with a cloth, she opened the door to find Andrew there. "Didn't..I say for you to call me instead of just showing up at my door at the most random times?" She crossed her arms, it seemed she wasn't directly in the mood for visitors or family at the moment. "Oh- yeah, yeah i haven't forgotten its just that I wanted to check on you, see how your first day went, y'know?" Y/N sighed, "Fine, alright, come in" she left the door open for him as she went to sit on the couch.
Every so often he would come to visit her just unexpectedly out of the blue.

Y/N's and Andrew's parents are Christian and love them both, but Andrew has a feeling his parents changed thoughts about him since he grew up to the liking of the genre- Satanic metal, and doesn't want much to do with Christianity. Meanwhile, Y/N didn't think wrong of her parents ways, but she wasn't Christian either, more likely in the middle and didn't have much of an opinion of it. "So, how'd it go?" He sat down next to her with one one arm hanging off to the side of the couch.

"Hm.. well, it was pretty general, got the job done at least." She shrugged, giving a bit of a blank answer. "Oh, well, thats figured I suppose since i don't think anyone would want to hide out there-."
Andrew replied while petting Blackjack on the back. Clearly, Y/N got embarrassed and didn't want him to find out she really accidentally slept the whole entire time.

They both just sat there for a moment of silence until Andrew switched up the topic, "Oh hey, I forgot to reply but I got your message earlier and wow.." he took a breathe in, "I didnt think I would be seeing this news again, years later." He said as he sighed, his tone dramatically changing.
"Wait, when did you see it? Or whether, hear about it?" She raised her eyebrow at him, confused that he knew something that she didn't until yesterday. "God, I cant believe you can't remember, i mean, news has been out for years, decades even.." Andrew said as he scratched the side of his nose, "although we were pretty young, i think we understood that something went wrong there, since mom kept us away from that place since then."

Y/N looked blankly at the floor, "I.. don't remember any of this." She softly replied.

Andrew glanced to the side, "I think if I remember correctly, mom and dad did everything to make you forget it." Y/N sprang up at those words, "Wait, why? How come??" She impatiently asked.
He sighed, figuring out the right words to say in his mind, "Well..story short, when mom took us to Freddy's, you'd never play with the other kids there, instead, you'd play with your- 'imaginary friend'. Mom liked to call it, at least every time you visited Freddy's, you'd talk to that friend.

One day, mom got curious of you and asked if you knew your friends name, and you responded. Susie, you told her. This freaked mom out more then she could bare, that name specifically was one of the children that got kidnapped at Freddy's years ago. Honestly, maybe it was just a coincidence, but it was just.. bizarre.
Then mom never took us back basically."
Y/N didn't say a word, memories came flowing back and remembered how she did talk to a little girl there that she saw every day at Freddy's but to say that girl wasn't real.. more likely, dead.. made her shiver within her own skin.

"Hey now, I'm sorry to have.. brought that up to you, I just wanted to chat about a few things but I didn't mean for it to go downhill into a pit of depression", he laughed just a little. Y/N broke out of her daze and looked up, "No its alright, no need to apologize, just a little unexpected is all." She wiped an eye with her hand.
"Hey uh, while your here for a bit.. want to watch a movie?" "Yeah, thats good with me!" He smiled.

A few hours had passed by, spending the day together. They watched a simple horror film and decided to go out and grab a coffee, Y/N even dragged him along to go run more errands so she could have some nice company while she could.
As the sun began to fade away into night, Y/N dropped Andrew back off at his place, even thanking him for a great time she had with him which she hadn't had in quite a while.

Once she was finally home, it was about time to leave again and go to work. She buttoned up her shirt and got dressed in her room, and this time, bringing scissors in her bag just in case, if anything were to ever happen.
Like it was yesterday, she walked in this time with confidence boosting within her and was ready to begin the night shift.

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