<Chapter 15> Warnings

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After a few moments of affection that seemed like a distant dream, Y/N softly grabbed Springtrap by his chin to make him look at her, locking into eye contact.
"Why..your beautiful, really." He softly smiled as he spoke in a whisper-like tone. "God- you dumbass, I cant help but love you." Y/N said with a smirk, sighing as she laid down on the bed.
"Tired, already? My, we haven't done anything yet!" Springtrap got up with a groan, only to crawl onto the bed on top of Y/N, where he could get a better sight.
Without hesitation, his eyes began to feast over her with a lustful look, bending down to give little neck kisses that traced from her collarbone to her jaw. Y/N's voice got higher as she gasped, while being at a complete loss of words by his actions. Springtrap snickered by her reaction, huffing hot breath onto her neck which made Y/N flinch quite easily.
It was the only word she managed to squeak out as he clearly had her under his control for however long he wanted. "Oh? What was that? Im afraid you'll have to speak up, for my hearing isn't as great as it used to be~!"
This time he began to clamp down, adding pressure by the second, leaving Y/N to quiver.
Knock, Knock
Springtrap froze in his tracks as he swiftly moved his head to the direction of the knocking, not making another sound. "Springtra- off!" She whispered as she snuck out from beneath his grasp, trying to ease her breath.
"Y/N.. who's at the door" "I-I don't know! Just..- fuck- get in the closet, alright?" "Wait wh-" She already began to make an effort by pulling him off the bed to at least get him back on his feet.
"Closet!" She semi-yelled at him, not wanting to wonder what would happen if she was caught red-handed with a suspicious looking animatronic.
"Alright, right, jeez I'm going.." Y/N ran to the side of her room to open the door for him, sure of it that he knew what to from there. As he shut the doors behind himself, he peeked out through a sliver of light to watch the unexpected visitor.
Combing her hair back behind her ears and clearing her throat, she rushed to the front door to open it slightly. "Yes..?-" It was Andrew, soaked from head to toe in rain with a concerned look on his face.
"Hey, what are you doing here? Are you alright? Your drenched..!" Y/N was so busy herself that she hadn't realized it had been down pouring just outside, did he happen to call her and she didn't pick up?
"Oh- please come in, I'll get you towels-!" She went on the rush again, to her bathroom this time to quickly find some large enough towels to at least get him dry to where he wouldn't catch a cold.
On the way back, she made a pit-stop to her room to check on Springtrap, putting her ear up to the crack of the door to hear..mumbling, plentiful rambling from within the closet, coming from Springtrap.
"Hey, quiet down in there will you?" Springtrap semi-jumped as he realized he was..going on. "Don't worry, it's just me. It was only my brother, nothing else."
Springtrap darted his attention quick, "you never told me you had a brother! Any sorts of family even!" "I know I'm sorry- I gotta..go".
She rushed back to the living room to place towels on her couch for him to sit down, as well as giving him one to wrap himself in. "Hey now, what brought you here anyways.. are you okay yourself?-" "No, not at all. Not about me at least.."
His eyes looked everywhere except into hers, clearly avoiding something important. He placed his hand on hers, swallowing hard.
"Y/N.. You have to quit that job, now."

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