<Chapter 18> Revival

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Y/N woke up, her eyes wishing they could remain closed for just a little while longer. Feeling that awful stinging in her hand a second round, she sprang up and tried to stand on her feet but she didn't budge the slightest. "Wha-..huh?-" In a dazed moment she glanced to see her hands bound to the back of a chair and her ankles tapped to the legs of it.

She fell into panic as her eyes darted in the dimmed room where she was placed in. A simple closet in front of her which stood, along with a blue dresser accompanied by..what seemed to be children's toys? probably for a boy.
Y/N remembered the vividly what happened in that battle, but now.. all was lost and her whereabouts where unknown.

Where am I? Where's.. Andrew! God- what did he do, what happened..

She was thankful that it was just her limbs bound up and not her mouth or eyes.
"Anyone here?, Hello?" She had the slight hope that perhaps she could get someone's attention but, she remembered that he was probably on the prowl for her and that she should be kept to a minimal whisper.
Y/N tried moving again, this time with her entire body, hoping that she could move along with the chair in someway, considering the floor was just carpet so any noise would be cancelled within.
With a small foward-like jump, she was able to scoot the chair just a smidge, it seemed to be work but she still hoped to keep it dead quiet within.

With another jump, she made progress and didn't plan to give up. With another, and another, she could make out a black hallway from the opened right door.
She would leave, find him, and end it here. As she did it again, the chair began to wobble ever so slightly, realizing she had leaned to much for its own weight to carry her.
Y/N sucked in air between her teeth as she fell on the soft carpet, unfortunately landing on her right arm. Her weight, and chair, crushing it by the second. "Fuck, fuck..shit!" She cursed aloud as the pain began to increase, and she wasn't able to get up either way.

She laid there as she breathed softly, she considered herself hopeless.
A low rumble was heard suddenly from inside the closet, sounded like..shuffling from within it. A groan followed not too long later, Y/N grew wide eyes as she feared from what was inside.

A human hand emerged as it forcefully gripped the carpet floor, Andrew was alive. Although, he was well bruised and beaten, tied up, and wasn't given the permission to speak.. he looked horrible as if he just went through official Hell and back.
Tears came as Y/N saw him inching close to her like a worm, his ankles and wrists were tied, both with wire.
If anything she felt like she should have been saving him instead.
"What did he do to you..?" Her voice was shaky as she examined him in shambles, he came close to her and as he could, and got to where he could release her arms from the tape-prison.

Within an instant she then bent over to rip the tape from her ankles and find herself on her feet again. Y/N returned the favor by ripping the tape off of his mouth as he gasped for air again.
"Y/N..Y/N, you need to leave, now." She nodded fast, "I-Ill gladly do that! Just..hold on, your still trapped-" "Don't..touch them..! The wires are too tight around, slowly cutting off the circulation..by the second, you cant get me out." Andrew's voice cracked as his hands began to grow pale.

"No I'm not- just, no! I wont leave without you, it's..entirely my fault. It's mine, I'm so sorry." He blinked slowly, looking upon her. "Listen..he's watching, on the cameras..he told me, threatened me. Asked for answers but I didn't dare to budge." "Cameras..?"
""He told me there were cameras..in this room, said I was on deep surveillance but I don't give..two fucks.. if anything, you need to find that..bastard, and take him back to where he came from, hell.."
She took a glance at him, "I'm too weak Y/N..I'll only slow you down."

She didn't want to do this, but options were slim to the minute. "I'll come back for you, I will." She pressed her forehead against his and carefully put him back inside the closet where he could potentially be safe..for a while. Then, she had the idea to look for a portable light source to use, assuming that it was best to stay within the shadows.
In the room she was in, she looked on the top dresser and nightstand, both were coated with a thick sheet of dust. She coughed into her elbow as she waved it from her nose.
This place seemed untouched, like.. it hasn't been used in years. The paint along the walls were chipping and cobwebs were seen in corners between the furniture and the wall. "Ah, there." She had looked down to find a flashlight laid on the floor just next to the bed.. although, next to it, sat a plush of a yellow bear in a black top-hat. She felt like its beating black eyes stared directly at her as she picked up the flashlight, it was a rather strange feeling..
Who lived here?

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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