<Chapter 9> Closer

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This was going to be officially Y/N's third night working at Fazbears Freight, if she counted correctly that is. Y/N was almost there already, deciding to put some music on to pass the time.
Switching through stations left and right, she finally settled for a station currently playing the song, Killing Me Softly.

Once finally there, she locked her car and proceeded inside as usual, the terrible smells of the facility still hitting her in the nose every time she would walk in- but luckily enough would fade when she made it to the office.
"Ahh.." Y/N sighed as she plopped down in her seat, first to check each cam for him.
No sign, so she would then check the vents, he sure was quick moving for a robot made of complete metal.

Y/N decided to look around her office, already feeling paranoid even though nothing was here yet.
In the corner of her eye she noticed a hat on the desk, labeled "Security", for fun, she decided to put it on, wondering if it would fit. The hat feeling surprisingly snug and fitting onto her head, she wondered who it had belonged to since surely she wasn't given one for the job.
"So, you came back for more?"
Y/N instantly turned around as she recognized that familiar tone, finding a tall shadow figure leaning against the wall.

"O-Oh its you again..! and yeah, I did. What, you'd thought I'd quit on the 2nd night I saw you?" He huffed at her reply, "of course not, I knew you were smarter then that, and I knew you could resist me~."
Springtrap said suggestively as he welcomed himself inside in her office, this time Y/N didn't mind of course as he walked in. "So what? No complaining that I'm coming towards your little space bubble now today?" He snickered to himself, "I- no! n-not at all! I realized I may have.. over exaggerated yesterday, especially with the scissors."

All he did was laugh as Y/N felt guilty. "And..I..do apologize, for doing that- I know it probably didn't feel like shit, compared to what you've probably been through- but still".
Springtrap looked at Y/N with a smug look and a hint of curiosity, "Don't sweat it kid, not the first time I've been threatened", he laughed to himself.
Not the first time..? Y/N thought but didn't dare to ask.

"While Im at it, what brought you back?" He smirked as he put both his hands on the arms of the chair Y/N was sitting in. "Besides, its rather deep in the past and I have.. better things to look up to."
Springtrap stared directly at her, his yellow eyes aglow, blush flooded into Y/N's cheeks as she knew he was talking about her. "Hey now, is that a little blush I see, all because of little old me?" He smirked as he bent down to Y/N's level, teasingly running his fingers within Y/N's hair.
Y/N gasped embarrassed, she swiveled her chair to the opposite direction of Springtrap and buckled her legs against her chest while hiding her face. Springtrap swung the chair back to his direction, looking down upon her, "Answer me little bunny~ Do I..make you feel things you haven't thought before?"
He crouched as he got leveled face to face with Y/N, as she got up to look again, her face grew at least the same shade as a tomato.

"I..maybe- I do?.." She replied softly as she didn't expect his face to be so close to hers.
"God, your adorable, you know that Y/N? I haven't met a lady this cute before in..quite a while id say~", Suddenly with ease, Springtrap plucked her out of her chair as he put her down and sat in her chair.
"Hey hey, man! I was sitting there, actually, thats where I alone, am SUPPOSED to sit." Y/N crossed her arms as she still was in disbelief of how easy it was for him to pick her up.

Springtrap crossed one leg over the other and rested his knuckles on his chin.
"Alrighty then, night-guard Y/N, take your seat."
He patted on his lap while smiling, knowing damn well that he'd get what he wanted.

"What??! Excuse ME?..I think I'll pass on that-", sitting on top of him for fighting back was one thing, but sitting on him again..as a choice? She genuinely had to think about this offer.
"Come onnn Y/N~ If your not seated, how could you check those cameras for any potential threats? now, that wouldn't be very wise now would it?" Y/N groaned, inching near him, but only to try her best and force him out.

"Oh whats this~?,  trying to shove me out of the chair? Don't make me laugh, Y/N~", with all her might, she continued to try to push him out but he wouldn't budge even the slightest.
Following just a second later, she glanced to the window to see Freddy again in the same place like on her second night.

"Shit! Shit, Shit! Springtrap, I need my chair back, now!" She yelled as she began to try to push harder, "Come on dear, dont fight it- I told you, there's plentiful room for both of us..~" He chuckled.
"Ughh...You know what? Really, damn you.." She huffed under her breath as she stood in front of Springtrap with her back facing him, wondering how exactly to approach this..
Like he did not a moment ago, Springtrap suddenly grabbed her by her waist and happily sat her on his lap.

Y/N froze as she sat still in place, not even moving a muscle, "Oh don't tense up now~ its only me, and you after all~!", He reassured her as he gently rested his head on her shoulder, having the same shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
Suddenly he embraced Y/N with both his arms around her stomach like a seatbelt, "Oh darling Y/N, I haven't felt something like this in oh.. so long..~ I could stay like this for hours~."
Springtrap cooed in her ear as Y/N decided to finally ease up and just let him do whatever he wanted, secretly knowing deep down that she also craved for a moment like this.
Grabbing her chin and bringing her a little closer to his body, he spoke.
"Besides, dear, we are just simply getting started~"

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