<Chapter 2> Digging Through

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I felt my face soaked in sweat, but that didn't stop me the least. I kept running, running. That's the least I could do, I felt... trapped in this sort of maze.
My calves felt like they were being burned, and I'm sure my lungs were to give out any second.
I kept running down the forever-lasting hallway, yellow lights flickered, I paced beneath the floor which was shaped in familiar black in white checkered boxes. I don't know why i was here, or what kept me..
but all I knew was to run. Deep in me, my gut told me I wasn't alone, rather more- i was being followed. I didn't dare to look behind but I could feel a looming presence that just hovered behind me...I-, I couldn't cage my curiosity any longer, i looked behind and met face to face..


Y/N Sprang up from the couch, her heart feeling like it did summersaults and then plummeted into her stomach. She put a hand on her chest to calm her breathing, closing her eyes and counting to 5. Jackblack jumped off of Y/N's legs and into her lap, rolling over once again and begged for attention.
Y/N geared her attention her cat to distract her from that terrible and what felt like forever-lasting night terror. "I bet your hungry alright" she said while caressing his belly, then getting up to fill his bowl with cat-kibble.
She looked at the oven clock and put his food away, yawning groggily. "Well, looks like I got enough sleep I think, its 10 AM so I'm sure thats enough to last me."

She sat down at her small circular dining table, pouring herself some cereal. While doing so, she laughed to herself a little about earlier. Thinking how it was funny on how she had a dream about the old Freddy Fazbears location and coincidentally today, she would start her new job later tonight at Fazbears Fright.
Y/N decided to open her phone, along with turning on the tv for some background ambience. She opened up her browser to do some online searching while she was at it and since it was still day out.

"Okay.. Freddy Fazbear.. Rumors" she typed in and said out loud. She was bombarded with all the different results with quite gruesome titles. Sure, Y/N knew there was some pretty messed up things like kidnappings that happened at the old Freddy's location, but she had never went to dig deep into that subject, but today she felt like she needed those answers, Just for fun, nothing else. She thought.
The first one she saw was titled '5 CHILDREN ABDUCTED AT FREDDY'S LOCATION ONE AFTER ANOTHER', she decided to look more into that blog specifically. 'Freddy Fazbears is in preparation for a shut-down due to numerous missing children gone one after the other, just in a singular month. Corporate finally decides to do something and close Freddy's doors for good. Although, not much information is disclosed to the public about the victims, and the abductor themself.

Although, neither one has been found.' Y/N's emotion turned from curiosity to complete disbelief. The very place she enjoyed with her older brother, terrible things had happened behind the scenes, untouched and unnoticed.
Y/N then decided to send the website to Andrew, wondering if he knew all about what happened. As she did, waiting for a reply, she continued her research. Digging deeper and deeper into the tragedies, she found another one that peaked her interest. 'FREDDY'S EMPLOYEE LEFT TO ROT, FOUND DECEASED AND MANGLED IN OLD 80'S MASCOT SUIT' This should be interesting.. Y/N thought as she began to read again the first paragraph.

'While investigating the run down and abandoned Freddy's location just a year later, a suit containing a dead employee is found just hidden behind the safe room, untouched and practically molded into the suit.' Y/N put down her spoon, feeling like she was sure to lose her appetite with this article any second, continuing to read on.

'Instead of putting the corpse to rest, one man at Fazbear Entertainment has the idea to "repurpose" the corpse. "Once are team found him, an idea hatched within my brain. This man has become a sort of.. fossilized moment in time, valuable to say the least. I propose we use him in a sort of horror attraction in near future and turn a new leaf in the Freddy's Franchise." Quotes the man.' Y/N freezes as she rereads this, just to make sure her brain wasn't playing tricks.

Horror Attraction.. Her brain reminds her, the words over and over again like a broken recorder on loop. "God- no! That..no! That cannot be true!!" She shook her head in denial as the words sunk in, quickly dialing the man she spoke with just yesterday, Mr. Matthew's.
Please god, pick up! Pick up the damn phone, please, please..! She thought as she awaited an answer from on the other side of the line. "Why, hello?-" He said in a friendly and sharp tone.

"Mr M-Matthew's! Oh thank lord, thank god, you picked up..I need to know something, seriously here." He picked up her panicked tone and tried to calm her down. "Oh, is something the matter? Need to order spare Keys to the facility?" He joked. "No! Just.. I'm sorry. It's just about the job, I have a question about it thats boggling my mind."

She paused. "Well, alright don't fret, whats the question here?" Y/N swallowed hard. "..Just a quick thing, I decided to dig into the past of Freddy's right, well.. It says in this certain blog that one person there had found a real.. corpse- at the old Freddy's location and had plans for bringing it to an upcoming horror attraction, i assume Fazbears Freight?? Is this true?!" Her mind was racing with thoughts as he didn't speak through the line for a good minute.

"I didnt have to want to bring it up if it was asked" he sighed. "Well, yes. At first.. he was brought to the attraction for a week or two but then was thrown out after too many complaints. So just so you know, there is no REAL corpse located within the building. Although, we made a model that was made to look like that real corpse, but i can tell you it is 100% artificial and fake, you have nothing to worry about. It is just for prop and part of the attraction. If anything, they probably made the replica into an animatronic."

Y/N calmed her breathing, "okay..well, that makes me feel a lot better about tonight" She softly sighed. "Dont worry, I believe things will run smoothly without a problem. Ill be hanging up now, im afraid Im called for a meeting." He quickly replied, "Well okay-" He instantly hung up. Y/N sat there for a few minutes, thinking of what he said. "He's right, there should be nothing to worry about, ill be fine." She said while trying to reassure herself.

"Now, to just relax.. and wait until the time comes." She smiled as she looked out the window.

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