<Chapter 11> Cravings (Part 2) 🍋

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Springtrap grinned wide as he began to undo her buttons on her pants, Y/N could feel her legs practically quivering- begging for his savoring touch.
"Now, ill just have to see what I'm dealing with here~." He laughed mischievously as he yanked off her pants and threw them into the corner, leaving her almost bare- but not quite.

Springtrap then began to leave small kisses from her stomach and work his way down to her inner thighs, having a tight grip on them with his hands as well.
"Little lamb, you taste so good~", Y/N giggled as she awaited a bit impatiently to what he would be doing next to her body. "T-That's good to hear. You feel incredible on me, I can already feel myself getting wet already.." Springtrap's eyes lit up in reaction as soon as those words slipped from her mouth.

He said nothing but deeply chuckle to himself, now, sliding off her panties to admire the 'view'. Y/N shivered as she felt the cold air graze every inch of her now, naked body.
"Mind If I have a taste for myself? I possibly cant let your sweet nectar go to waste, Y/N~." Springtrap asked as he continued to admire her gleaming wet pussy.
She swallowed hard before answering, "y..yes, thats fine with me."

Without hesitation, Springtrap spread her legs apart so he had full access, beginning to lick at her folds. "M-mngh!!" Y/N let out a high pitched moan, her breathing getting heavier by the second.
"Springtrap..o-oh~! Please.. don't stop, please..~" Springtrap looked up at her with feasting eyes, "don't worry, I don't plant to stop any time soon~!", he laughed as he dove in again to now lap at her clitoris, using lots of saliva as he savored.

"A-Ahhh..fuck.." Y/N whimpered softly as he used his tongue to dive into her opening, flicking his tongue to gain speed inside of her.
The grip on her thighs began to get tighter as she whimpered and whined, being at a complete loss for words at how good an animatronic was eating her out. "Springtrap- I'm g-gonna..I'm close!.." She squealed as her legs began to quiver again, her nails scrapping at the floor.

Meanwhile, he continued to increase pleasure and to help, he pumped a finger inside of her at quickening speeds. "Oh Y/N~, Is this good for your little cunt?"
Springtrap snickered as he began to go even faster then before, adding in his middle finger as well, knowing she was near orgasm.
With one final pump, Y/N finally let go and squirted all inside his mouth while Springtrap continued to devour her until he was completely satisfied.

He rubbed his face with his arm, knowing that this by far- popped a boner inside of him.
Meanwhile, Y/N laid still on the ground, still catching her breath as she slowly breathed in and out whilst still recovering from that exhilarating experience.
"Id say I'm well fed, hm?~" He chuckled, "And now, I still plan to use that little pussy of yours so don't get too comfortable with relaxation, 'cause I'm gonna wreck you so bad that you wont be able to walk for a week.."
He grinned as his eyes began to glow a soft hazy yellow.

With legs still open, Springtrap took the time to whip out his own dick for Y/N, seeming that he hides it within his suit.
Y/N watched as it twitched, practically oozing with pre-cum before it was even near her opening.
"Ready, little lamb?~"
Springtrap cooed as he gently slid it up and down against her folds, his cock becoming familiar to her body.

"Mhm, you can put it in.." Y/N said as she maintained her breath.
With that, he slid the tip in and out, pushing more inside with each thrust.
"M-Mmm!~ Your..bigger then I thought..I feel like I may snap in half!" Y/N yelped out as Springtrap held onto her torso for support.
"Hah, your so tight..~", Springtrap purred as the sounds of slapping skin filled the room, "Tell me, who does this little cunt belong to?" He asked her as he began to grope her breast.

"Y-You! It belongs..to you..", he could hear the shakiness in her voice as she trembled.
Although Springtrap didn't notice at first, he realized that Y/N never looked at him once while fucking.
"Tell..me, Y/N.." he softly groaned as he slid at least an inch more inside of her, "Are you afraid to look at me out of..embarrassment?" Springtrap chuckled as he continued to pump her.
Y/N's face grew that typical tomato red, he then knew that that was the case.

"Ah, very well, I'll just force you if you refuse to make eye contact~", Springtrap then bent his body over Y/N, placing his hands on the ground just above Y/N's shoulders and was now eye level with her.
With one hand, he softly grasped her neck and spoke slowly, yet flirtatiously, "Daddy wants you to look at him, do that for me Princess~".
Y/N whipped her head around to her surprise to see Springtrap hovering above her, smiling wide with that shitty grin of his as he began to go even faster in pace.

"E-Enough with the stupid..pet names!.." Y/N moaned while trying to sound serious there, "Daddy thinks your forgetting who's in charge..".
Y/N suddenly felt slight fear as the tone in his voice became cold and rough.
Springtrap's grasp around her neck became tighter until she felt like she was gasping for breath, "S-Springtrap..!!" Y/N choked as she could feel the breath escaping her lungs.

"Ill ask you once, and only once, who does Daddy solely own?" He grinned at her own pain and suffering, "M-Me..I-Im all and only..yours!" She managed to squeak out, really just wanting him to let go.
"Good princess, thats what I like to hear~" He whispered in her ear as she felt his grip finally become loose.
Gasping and coughing, she looked down to see that he was only half way in.

Jesus fucking Christ, I thought he would be fully in by now!
Y/N thought as she felt the stinging pain inside of her with each thrust he gave.
"Your handling me so welll~" Springtrap purred as Y/N began to form tears in her eyes, "sure..it may feel good for you..b-but it hurts after a while.." Y/N said as a tear rolled down her cheek and onto her chest.

"Now now, what are these tears for?" He used a single finger to wipe her eyes of any remaining tears, "It's becoming painful..Ive never had someone go this deep b-before..".
Springtrap sighed, feeling a bit understanding for her but not wanting to stop whatsoever since he felt close, "Hey, I'm almost ready to release, speaking of. It'll be over soon, alright, Y/N? Just hang on a bit longer for daddy.."
Springtrap groaned out, feeling cum build up and almost ready to deliver.

Y/N took a large inhale in, nodding as an answer in her response.
"Good..great to..hear!" Springtrap's words began to break up, he could feel himself ready any minute now.
"Mnghh~", about now he was almost balls deep, genuinely impressed that she has been able to last this long with a throbbing cock like his.
"H-Hey Y/N..! I think im ready to burst any second, just a quick..heads..up" He grunted, feeling he was reaching the brink of pleasure.

Y/N screamed as Springtrap made a low and rough grunt while shooting his sticky ropes of delectable hot cum into her womb.
As the slapping began to slow down, he caught his own breath and pulled out, there two juices mixing into one and leaving a small puddle on the floor at that.
Springtrap got up and laid right next to Y/N, kissing her hand to then intertwine it with his. "You felt..amazing, I'll never forget this, Y/N."
Was all she replied as she laid there helplessly, eventually snuggling up to Springtrap in his arms to take a long rest after such a long awaited fantasy, now fulfilled.

(I'll admit, this was one of the most..interesting and what felt like the longest chapter I had to write yet so far 😶- BUT IM DOING IT FOR YOU GUYS! And I just wanted to take a moment here to thank you all for a 100+ reads already on this story! Plenty more will come in the future, guaranteed! ;) )

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