<Chapter 16> Discovery

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Y/N felt her words cease as her throat tightened, "what?- how come?" A singular tear rolled down his cheek, it wasn't sadness but more like.. fear.
"Y/N.. that place, your job, it isn't safe. You need to quit and never go back." Y/N placed both hands on his shoulders, "what the hell do you mean?! Please- your starting to genuinely worry me here..!" Andrew took deep breaths in and out, usually he never was a crier..

"You remember that article you sent me online a bit ago, how there was a kidnapper..murderer- who slaughtered 5 kids at Freddy's, maybe even more? Well, I found information on him, lots of it." She knew about the disappearances, she could never forget that, but the fact that there was mere information on the person who stole the lives of all those innocent kids..? She had to know. "What..did they say on.. him?"
He grabbed his phone from his soggy pocket, drying it off for a few before reviewing the screenshots he took of what he found. "The kidnapper, that man. His name was William Afton, founder and creator of Freddy Fazbears Pizza, along with an extinct establishment by the name..Fredbears Family Diner."

"The man who made Freddy's..slaughtered them..?!?" Y/N was in awe of how a person who made a place of joy, quickly turned that place to a nightmare behind hidden doors.
"I know Fazbears Freight is chained to the Freddy franchise, but..why do you say I would need to quit that job? Those murders happened in different locations, this ones close to new!-"
"That's the damn thing, he's come back..to do the same thing there."

Andrew's voice was shaky and disturbed, it wasn't often that things like this shook him to his core. "So.. he's hiding behind the scenes in the establishment..?- Well, I can assure you I've never seen him before while on my shifts, that place is dead-"


He formed his hand into a closed fist as he banged it on the coffee table which startled her. Y/N jumped out of her seat while shutting up instantly, not wanting to feed the flames.

"He's already started on his spree, you know why Freddy's was hiring? A past night guard there fucking disappeared only a few nights after they joined!"
Silence commenced as she realized the awful truth, they were looking for someone new.. a replacement for a mishap. "Did they find the guard.." Whispered words escaped her lips as she realized he wasn't joking the least bit, not at all. He sighed and scratched the back of his head, "No, she was never found.. The police searched, but in the end they just speculated she quit or some bullshit like that. But Y/N, I don't want that to be you next, trust me on this."
Andrew gazed with silent sorrow, "I know she went missing."

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