<Chapter 12> A first step

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Y/N eventually sat up groggily after a few hours of getting her strength back, "Gah-! Shit, what time is it?!" She popped right up as she fumbled around trying to find the clock on the desk, her eyes still adjusting to the lights.
"11 AM??!, oh shit- fuck,-" Y/N cursed out as she went around to find her clothes scattered among the office, her passionate night with him- still a blur to her mind.

Suddenly,when going to the corner of the room to see her unbuttoned shirt, she tripped and face planted onto Springtrap's chest, lucky enough she landed on him and not onto the hard flooring.
"Well..good morning dear~!", Springtrap replied with a chuckle as he noticed her on top.

It all came back to her as soon as she looked into those eyes of his, "Oh..yeah- morning to you too-"
Y/N said as she quickly got up and acted like nothing happened, re-putting on her clothes.
"Why, your up early, aren't ya?" He commented as he cocked his head to the side, "oh yeah sure, early alright- practically the next day 'kind of early'" she huffed under her breath, tying her shoes.

"Huh?" Springtrap said in a confused tone, getting up by putting a hand on his knee for support.
"I mean its 11 AM! I was supposed to go home- what.." Y/N did the math in her head before replying, "5 hours ago!"
Springtrap sighed as he came in for a hug behind Y/N, sighing contently, "well, I surely don't see what the problem is, we got to spend a little extra time together, didn't we~ hm?".

She huffed again as a pissed expression began to form on her face, figuring out that he clearly wanted her to stick around. "C..come on! No, I gotta leave- I got a home to get to, plus- I got a kid to feed-"
Springtrap instantly let go, his eyes widening.
"A child?!? What- your a mother?? You never told me this!"
Y/N chuckled to herself, shaking her head, "nah, child as in- a cat to take care of, I bought him- so yeah basically he's my own kid in a way".

He felt relieved hearing those words as he soothed his breathing, "phew, thought you meant- like an actual human-child", Springtrap chuckled out-loud.
"Anddd why would that even be a bad thing anyways?" Y/N crossed her arms, wondering why an animatronic would have something against her having a child if she ever were too.
Springtrap looked down, biting the side of his lip while trying to figure out the right words to speak, "well..I've- lets just say I have never been great with children, leave it at that."

Y/N smirked while she scoffed, "what, did you try to bite a kid on there birthday or something?"
she jokingly uttered, although Springtrap seemed to be phased by that specific scenario for a second but then quickly fell back to her question.

"Pfftt- What? No, 'course not, I'm not a rabid animal or something, Y/N." He said as he twitched his head to the side, still thinking about the comment she made in the back of his mind..
"Alright then, what is it?" Y/N declared as she was still awaiting an answer.
"Look- I don't want to get into it..its just- kids have always been- a pain in the ass, you know?" Springtrap nervously laughed, hoping she'd go along.

Y/N shrugged, "I guess so, true in a way. Most kids Ive met over the years are little demanding snots, so yeah, fair point."
"See? You get it alright! So annoying to the fact that you'd just wanna kill em' to end there crying! Annoying little brats.."
Springtrap clutched his hand in the air as he laughed, imitating that he was probably strangling a kid.
"Uh..sure, that might be a bit too far but i wouldn't mind seeing a kid fall flat on there face or tumble down a slide." Springtrap let out a mighty chuckle, quite amused with her slightly unhinged humor, as he rested an arm on her shoulder.

'Well now, great chat and all but really now, I gotta go." Y/N said as she grabbed his arm off her to make her way to the front doors.
"Wait-! Already?" Springtrap stated sadly as she opened the front door.
"Well yeah, I always go home for my shift obviously, you know this-"
"Yeah I know and all, but..it just gets so lonely without you, quite boring even." He softly stated, looking quite glum as she set a foot out the door.

Y/N looked back and sighed, "Look- I know your sad and all, but I'll see you later tonight, it wont be that long if you think about it."
"Y/N..please?? Not again- just for today-, hey, maybe I can even come with!" Springtrap whined as he grasped her arm.
Y/N groaned aloud, looking up at the ceiling as she rolled her eyes, "fine. Just this once- god, your a grown ass animatronic I think- and your acting like a toddler!-"
Springtrap suddenly picked her up by her arms and grinned from ear to ear, "thank you, thank you so much! You have no idea how much this'll mean to me!", he said as she gave her a peck on the cheek, Y/N grew flustered with surprise and embarrassment.
"Yeah yeah, whatever, like I said- only this once, got it?" He nodded with a grin as they both walked outside, Springtrap finally getting to see the outside again after 30+ years..

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