<Chapter 8> Going Back

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Without another word, Y/N got up and awkwardly shuffled out of her booth, deciding she'd have to do this now, not knowing how exactly long this erupting feeling would last.
"Hey, hey, now! Where are you going? Not leaving yet- are you?" Lexi asked jokingly but was genuinely curious of her answer, "No, 'course not.. bathroom break is all" Y/N said while finally making it out with one leg out at a time.

"Alright, well, no need for me to hold you up!" Lexi chuckled as Y/N quickly paced to find the nearest women's bathroom.
Why did this.. feeling- have to come right during a meetup with old friends! Curse these damn dirty thoughts in my head, most of all damn him..
Y/N spoke to herself as she speed-walked past waiters and waitress's who were carrying boiling plates of fine Asian cuisine.

In enough time, she eventually found the ladies room and quickly made her way to the stall that was closest to the wall and away from the door.
Naturally, she stripped from the waist down and sat on the toilet seat as normal, but going to the bathroom wasn't her main intention for this sudden trip.

Y/N sat there for a good few seconds in silence, genuinely asking herself if she was really going to do this right here and now, in a restaurant of all places.. Then, with eyes closed and a guiding hand- she made her way down into her own self-pleasure. When going to begin, she knew her mind was going to play a key part of this.
Y/N replayed Springtrap's voice in her head like a recording, raspy and rather..profound. A bit like sweet honey dripping onto her ears with each word he pronounced, alongside imagining his hot and moist breath that just warmed the side of her neck which sent shivers of complete ecstasy down her spine and throughout her whole body.

But that wasn't just that, she remembered those strong and metal-like hands which could probably crush bone..
thinking, how he held her dainty and fragile wrists and making- no, forcing Y/N to look into his unsettling gaze accompanied with his sly, yet charming grin.
"M-Mngh.." she moaned slightly, hoping that her own sounds of pleasure could help in some way. Not after very long, she let her fantasies sink into her own brain.

"Little Y/N, fallen down too deep in the rabbit hole~?" He smirked while clutching the sides of her waist. Y/N glanced to the side, putting a finger on her lip.
"Perhaps I may have, but I'd say I wouldn't regret it~" Y/N said as she backed up against the wall with her gaze in his. Springtrap deeply chuckled as he then put both his hands on the wall, easily over-towering Y/N in height, he was at least 6'2- or maybe 6'4 even.

"Hah, well aren't you just full of surprises~" He said as he cupped one hand onto her breast, squeezing her nipple a little with his index finger and thumb.
"A-ahh-! Springtrap.."
Y/N bit her lower lip and she easily became instantly hypnotized by his touch. "Believe me, I'll make you moan so much that you wont be able to walk for weeks~!" Springtrap growled as he began to lick her neck, Y/N squirmed at the sensation and clenched her legs together tightly.

"Such a naughty girl, I can tell your getting roweled up just from the feeling of my tongue, hm?~" he laughed as he grazed his teeth against her fragile skin.
"Tell me my dear, are you prepared?" Y/N instantly replied, "Yes!, I want all of you!-"

"Y/N? Are you still in here?? The waitress came by and I told her you ran to the bathroom-". Lexi came in to check that Y/N wasn't passed out or anything, just then Y/N gasped and fell instantly out of her wild fantasies and came into the real world. "OH Uh- sorry for taking a bit in here, stomach issues.."
Y/N replied while quickly pulling up her pants and flushing the toilet.

Coming back to the table with a blushed and awkward expression fixated upon her face, she put her water glass against her face to cool herself off." "Jesus-, constipation? Your face is awfully red there." Lexi joked, "Yeah lets go with that.." Y/N said as she rested a hand on her chin.
God that was a real fucking stupid move Y/N, if Lexi didn't come for you then who knows how long you'd still be in there!.

She had the sudden idea to slap herself in the face because of her foolery, but hesitated since it would lead her friends confused.
Meanwhile the waitress came back again and hopefully this time to leave with orders, "Now, you three finally ready to order?", Y/N felt like the waitress aimed that question a bit towards her.

"Great choices!, I'll be back with those shortly", she said before dashing off back to the kitchen. A moment of silence stirred among them, but then Lexi popped up again with a question of her own.
"So tell me, you still live on your own?, in that little apartment of yours?"

Y/N nodded, "oh yeah, still do..and still live on my own as well- with Blackjack too", she laughed a little out of her own pity, realizing her friends had grown up and began a life journey, while she still felt held back at square one.
"Ohh, well, I don't see a problem with that at all honestly! Some people I know would rather be alone with a companion, rather then a partner I know that for sure."

She laughed it off, thinking that's what Y/N meant. No, no that's all wrong! I crave for a real partner and someone to make love too, I can't help it that you found your 'prince charming' just during senior year and have been with him ever since..
Y/N felt jealousy rise a bit within her, but calmed down shortly after realizing she was making a bigger deal out of something that already was in the past.

(If you've gotten this far, congrats! :D..I really don't know why your still here exactly reading this but besides that- were going to do a bit of time skip magic since the next scene I had in mind was pretty generic. The next played out scene is just the three chatting while eating there lunch, finishing up and saying there goodbyes. In all, Y/N stays true to her word and does not decide to go to the skating rink with her friends, not wanting to be tired and sore for whatever tonight would possibly bring.. Then spending the rest of the day watching TV basically.
(Plus I want to already work on future chapters for you guys instead of just wondering what to write next here :') ) oh and Before I move on, just a heads up that the beginning of Chapter 9 stars where Y/N is on the way to her shift. 👍

Thanks a lot for reading this far and don't blame me if your forever traumatized)

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