<Chapter 3> The Night Begins

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Y/N had spent the rest of her morning and evening cleaning up her little apartment space and running necessary errands, running from place to place like a chicken with its head cut off.
Once she had finished, she spent the next four hours or so with her own entertainment such as reading or watching a good 90's chick-flick. Although shes done this before, it was like a routine of hers every day.

Ever since he left, Y/N missed the things they would do together, such as going to the movies or the mall but.. it was for the best that she would need to look ahead and to not hold the crumbling memories of her past-ex, even if she missed the lust or love she received from him when they were together. Y/N suddenly paused her movie to make her way to the bathroom, stripping completely naked and sitting in the shower with her legs spread open.

She began to close her eyes and rub her clit in soft circular motions, really focusing on the feeling and getting aroused. She gave out little moans and such but nothing too much that might make the neighbors alert just next door. She increased speed as she moved down to go a finger deep inside herself.
Usually she'd prefer if someone were to do this for her but she had no one but herself. "A-ah", her breath began heavy, panting almost as she threw her head back and grew submissive just from her own touch, oh how she craved another being to love and to cherish, she could feel her sexual desires barely hanging on these days.
She began to stop, slowing down her pace slowly but surely, it was a struggle to make herself have an orgasm all on her own without anyone to get aroused by. She tried watching adult rated movies but seeing someone on the screen do it was not the same for her as having someone in real life do it with her.

God, whats the use.. She closed her legs and sank to her knees, eventually getting up to wash her hands and get dressed. Y/N met herself in the mirror, caressing over her jawline and to her neck, "Am I not trying hard enough?" She asked her reflection. Suddenly her phone buzzed at her from within her pocket, "shit..! I got 30 minutes on the clock-!" She peered on her phone's digital clock, it was 11:32, her shift was near to start soon. Without another thought, she scrambled herself together in the special uniform they provided her, slipped her shoes on and was out the door.

While planting herself in the drivers seat, she set up the GPS to her new workplace since she still had yet to visit it in person and was only given the directions of where it was. Recalculating, turn onto Landon drive at the next exit. It exclaimed at her, as she drove like a mad woman, hoping she would arrive just before her shift would start. She soon eventually made it at where the attraction stood, as she locked her car and went inside.

With just that first step in, she got a real big whiff of the place, it stank a bit like mold and mildew grossly enough.. but she was sure that was just extra effects to add to this place to make it more.. eerily unsettling.
Well, looks like they still kept the classic checkered flooring, actually- everything looks familiar except for the horror aspect of things, Y/N thought to herself. Finally, she had found the office of where she would be spending her hours, 'looking after the place'. She swiveled her chair to the left to see a turned on computer with 3 labels, Audio Devices, Camera System and Ventilation.

She explored each of those options, a bit confused on why this was all necessary- Y/N practically jumped out of her seat as she suddenly heard a phone ringing. She side-glanced at it, wondering who the hell would want to call this place, maybe her boss? "Hello-?? This is Y/N, speaking-" "Hey hey, glad you came back for another night! I promise, it'll be a lot more interesting this time! We found some, some great new relics over the weekend, and we're out tracking down a new lead, right now! So, uhhh, lemme just update you real quick, then you can get to work." Y/N realized this was probably a recording of someone, since they didn't respond back. So she just decided to sit and listen.
"Like, the attraction opens in like, a week, so we have to make sure everything works, and nothing catches on fire!"
"Uh, when the place opens, people will come in at the opposite end of the building, and work their way toward you, then past you and out the exit. Uh, yeah you've officially become part of the attraction. Uh, you'll be starring as...the security guard! So not only will you be monitoring the people on the camera as they pass through – you know, to make sure no one steals anything or makes out in the corner – but you'll also be a part of the show. It'll make it feel really authentic, I think."

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