<Chapter 17> The Man

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Thoughts ran across her mind like there were many voices at once, each with their own conflicted opinions. "I.." was all she managed to murmur out as she glanced at the glossy table, truly puzzled in what she should do or what paths to take that could cost her life..

Meanwhile, Springtrap jostled within, listening completely to every word he could try to hear right. That bastard of a kid.. whoever they are, they know more then she needs to every know, I need to stop this before anything else is said before its too late to do so..Maybe if I just push it open the slightest bit and peek out, but not to where I could be noticed..
With a steady hand, Springtrap glided the door open slowly, needing just only enough room to where he could budge through. All went steady as his luck was in his favor, getting one foot out of the closet, but the door had stopped moving unexpectedly after smooth gliding. Oh, you son of a..

Resorting to use force, he pushed it with both hands, the door had come loose but with a cost. As he did so, a glass trinket sitting on top of Y/N's wardrobe wobbled off effortlessly and had shattered into a million or so pieces, coating the floor in beams of bright gleaming light.

Both Andrew and Y/N swiftly turned around to the sound of the crash scene, "the fuck was that?!" Y/N didn't dare peep a word but had swallowed hard, knowing he was probably getting quite restless inside.
"Oh it.. must've been Jack-" she gazed down just then to see Blackjack rubbing just up against Andrew's leg, she huffed underneath her breath, for that wouldn't work.
"Hey Y/N.. are we alone?" He asked as he slowly got up, his defense levels skyrocketing as he never took his eyes off the direction of the sound.

"Well- obviously, why that's stupid to ask honestly! ,you know for a fact that its always been me and Jack, nobody else." He glanced to his side, fully risen from the couch.
Without another thought, Y/N pushed him back down and patted his arm awkwardly. "Oh come on! It's nothing, really!  It's probably just the AC that was that powerful to knock something.. come on, I'm sure of it."

There was a heavy bang against the wood floor, almost like the sound of a gunshot. "Now I KNOW someones lurking around, you heard that and I know it's something, or probably someone!"
Andrew shuffled though his jacket, taking out a small pistol with probably a few bullets loaded that he always keeps in pocket in case of dire cases.
"ANDREW- WHAT THE HELL?! Put the goddamn gun away! Andrew!-" He held it with two hands, moving swiftly across the floor and was ready to aim at the sight of unexpected movement, not even knowing if it was worth interrogating.

With his next step, the lights suddenly began to flicker on and off like strobe lights, not too long later, immersing the room into full darkness.
A deep groan came from within Y/N's room, followed by clanking heavy footsteps on the hardwood floor.

"Who do you think you are.."

A rustic and profound voice announced, Springtrap came to reveal himself out of the mere shadows, standing tall in posture while looming over.
At a loss of words, the gun slipped out of his grasp easily, as his entire body froze in time. "Y-You...you are- your.. Wi-.."

Springtrap jolted foward and grasped him by the neck without a second thought, knowing that he knew more about him then Y/N did underneath that tattered and worn suit.
"You keep your trap shut.." He raised him into the air, still by his neck, like he was nothing compared to him. Gasping and trying to claw his way out, he was thrown onto the floor with such force that the air was completely knocked out of him.

Y/N watched the frightening scene that was presented in front of her, in tears. She sank to her knees as she took her brother into her arms, "YOU SICK FUCK! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!"
He said nothing but looked down at her with a monotone expression, "You don't know me, not at all."

Stepping over them, he went to the kitchen to look around with a clear vision of what he was looking for. "Aha.. a beauty that is" A chef's knife had been sitting on the counter for days on end, completely forgotten to be put away. Springtrap stared intently in the reflection of the gleaming blade, admiring his sick reflection of what the monster had awoken to be again.

Gripping it firmly, he paced back over to loom over them both in final preparation of what he had in mind. "Y/N, move." "No. What are you doing with that knife, tell me..What are you doing with that!"
She pulled Andrew tighter into her embrace, scooting over ever so slightly to get out of his range. With another pull, Springtrap decided to take action in a stab, going for his stomach but had missed in time and had went to his thigh instead. Blood oozed down, coating the floor, Y/N wailed as she tried to protect him..
her hand in the way of the knife, a deep wound right in the middle of her hand and out through the other side of it.

He instantly pulled the knife out, pulling out flesh along with it. "BASTARD! WHAT IS WRONG..-"
She looked down to see the sight, her own blood forming a dripping puddle as she examined the torn flesh wound that hurt like a thousand needles just in one area.
Y/N instantly looked back up, nausea flowing within, for she could never handle the simple sight of her own blood. Before she knew any better, she passed out right onto the floor with a thud.

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