<Chapter 7> Old Friends

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Y/N woke up quite groggily, ignoring two alarms that was supposed to get her up and ready if shes not awake by then. Blackjack pounced on her neck, leaving her to inhale his thick coated fur, luckily that seemed to have woke her up, Y/N squinted at him. "If its not night terrors, its you."
She picked him up by his scruff and placed him beside her legs so that they were both content. With that, she let her head fall back on the pillow, enjoying the open sun behind the window that was baking her skin.
Bzzrt...Bzzrt. Y/N violently grabbed her phone off of her night stand to see who was sending messages one after another.

"Hey, you free to hang out today? Just wondering bc me and Lewis are out in town, maybe we can hang out again like good old times?"

"Hopefully your awake and not still asleep or anything, I know you ;)"

Y/N thought about this before answering.

"Nope, been awake for a few hours now just relaxing at home 👍"

"That's good! Well, would you like to meet up for lunch? Maybe go to the skating rink while were at it?"

"Sure, lunch sounds fine with me, but the skating rink? It's still open and running?"

"Oh yeah for sure! Lewis checked and it surprisingly still is! Doesn't that sound fun?"

Y/N bit the inside of her cheek and thought about it for a bit.

"Meh, ill probably skip it but I can watch you guys lol"

"Sure, sure 😂, does 4 sounds good? Two hours from now?"

Y/N looked to her clock..she may have slept in a little longer then she realized.

"Yea, thats fine, see you then."

"Yep! :)"

Y/N face planted forwards into her blanket, "Some old habits don't die out I suppose" she muffled into her bed sheets. Sure, she was happy about seeing her old friend, Lexi and her now- Fiancé, Lewis, but it would never be the same.
The last time the three of them hung out was three months ago when David was still in Y/N's life, now her current ex.

That was just a few days before he would break up with her because he claimed over the phone, "he felt like he was loosing connection with her". Although, deep down Y/N had a gut feeling he wasn't seeing just her.
Just the thought of it made Y/N depressed into thinking she wasn't good enough for any guy, until.. She remembered those fixated yellow eyes, that grasp..him telling Y/N that he came to see her. "Jeez- no, I'm.." Y/N sighed, "Blackjack..why did that animatronic yesterday have to be so..so-" Y/N bunched up her hands, "smooth talking and charismatic..", she finally gave out.

He still laid there on Y/N's bed, dead asleep. "Well..I guess I should be getting ready about now." She told herself, she walked to the corner of her bedroom were a decent size wooden closet was located.
"Dress? No, maybe just.. aha" She picked up a light yellow tank top and some comfy baggy jeans to go along with it.
When Y/N got out of high school, she didn't donate much of her old clothes but instead still kept them since she seemed to have stayed her same size since then, and she still adored wearing comfy things that could let her breathe and not be glued to her skin.

She checked herself out in the mirror in the near bathroom, standing broadly and touching her curves. Deep down, she really felt like she needed to be with somebody, somebody that would cherish her and love her for who all she was meant to be.
As Y/N finished up washing her face and treated herself to a small amount of makeup, she was ready to go on the road to meet her home-town friends she dearly missed deep down.

Over the phone, the three had decided on a Chinese restaurant just 20 minutes away. Y/N stepped out of her car, locking it and spotting a familiar face coming towards her at quite a fast pace.
"Y/N!" Lexi braced her with a tight embracing hug, she felt like her ribs were breaking but eventually she gave into the hug and was just as happy to see her, "Hey Lexi..!". Suddenly, Lewis came from behind and hugged them both into one big bear hug, the three of them finally together again after quite some time.

They all walked in, being instantly catered by a nice lady and was given a spacious booth. "Welcome in, may I offer you are specialty drinks we are serving during our happy hour? Soda products perhaps?-" "No, no alcohol thank you." Lexi instantly denied as she waved both her hands. The waitress nodded, "A coke will do fine for me," "Uh- Sprite, please", "A waters fine, thanks." Y/N replied lastly.
The waitress nodded and left without another word.

"So, you still don't sit right with alcohol?" Y/N smirked, hoping Lexi understood it was a joke. "Haha, nah, those many times my dad went absolutely haywire when drinking has scarred me permanently."
Lexi chuckled, "If anything, I do not want to end up like that douche bag who fell into the hands of alcoholism." She rolled her eyes at just the thought of him, "but enough about me, I heard you got that new job! So, how did it go?." She eagerly asked.

"How did you- did I tell you?-" Y/N asked confused as Lewis butted in her thought, "Remember, me and Andrew still talk online? Yeah, he told us all about that new job promotion of yours!" Y/N was embarrassed as she felt like a kid who's parents just found out she got accepted into college.
She took a breather before speaking, "Well ill admit, the first night went pretty easily, nothing much to see- an easy night you could say.. but the 2nd night.." she whistled, "very much the opposite."

Drinks finally arrived to each of them around the table, "now, are you ready to order?" Y/N scrambled with a menu, looking all over while trying to find something that peaked her interest, "no not now, in a few minutes, thank you!" Lexi kindly told the waitress with a smile, she could tell when Y/N was on the brink of overthinking ever since they were kids.
"Now, continue." Lexi said as she planted her chin into both her hands, clearly interested in the direction of her story.

"Right- well, i met some familiar faces and.. unfamiliar ones, lets put it at that." Y/N suggested. Lewis took a sip and spoke, "So wait, if I heard this right- this is a horror attraction and not like the old Freddy Fazbears Pizza with performances and shit, right?" He asked as he set his drink back down, "right, and-" "hasn't Freddy's always been- well.. known for its gruesome rumors that linger just within its walls? Is that the same for this horror attraction?" Lexi impatiently asked as she interrupted.

"Well yeah, thats true. Although, I'm not certain if those 'haunted rumors' have followed into this building, Im not sure exactly."
Though deep down, Y/N knew something malicious was already spreading within the attraction. First off, bizarre dreams of a gruesome corpse employee and blood splattered on drawings, secondly, animatronics that would lunge out and disappear, but most of all- her encounter with the animatronic that calls himself, Springtrap.
She felt unsettled in her stomach, lying straight to her friends faces and pretending that place was completely harmless. Worst of all, she couldn't stop thinking about Him.

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