<Chapter 14> Love Scent

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Y/N decided to lead the way as she reached down to grab his hand without a word, making sure he was out of sight from any possible person and didn't run off to god knows where.
Bold first move, I like that in a lady~ Springtrap thought as a smirk crept along his face as there hands intertwined.

"Right, so, you can get in the backseat I guess?.." Y/N bit the inside of her cheek as she tried to figure out where would be the best for him to settle for time being.
"oh, no, no, that simply won't do, I'd say the Passenger would do just fine!" Y/N sighed aloud but It wouldn't do harm for him to sit next to her for the drive, "alright alright, get in-".

Springtrap slammed the door open to sit inside and rest his feet on top of the dashboard, making himself quite comfortable. "Well shall we get a move along hm?"
Springtrap snickered as she got in and started the ignition, "hey! This is my car, get your musty self off my dashboard, unless you want to get kicked out onto the highway" He groaned yet smiled, doing as she said, "alright, alright, so where are we off to?".

Y/N took a hard turn as she had her mind set on the road, finally somewhat at ease that she was out of that dump of a place and could actually breathe fresh air.
"Nowhere really, I'm taking you to my place, besides it'd be best for you to stay hidden." Springtrap rolled his eyes and flipped through the radio stations one after another, finally resting on an 80's station weirdly enough.
"So.. your an animatronic who has a liking for oldies music?" "Oh you betcha', why, this is some of the best music around Y/N!" She laughed as she reminded herself that it was quite obvious even though she didn't see it before.

Well he was an animatronic built in the mid 80's so it'd make sense that'd he'd recognize some of the tunes from back then.. she imagined 'til she realized she had reached the front parking lot of her apartment.
Springtrap looked up at the building as he shut the door behind him, using his hand as a shield from the sun.

"Well come on now, don't exactly have all day" Y/N declared as she walked up to her door number, turning the key clockwise into the lock. The door opened with a creak, with Springtrap instantly inviting himself in without hesitation to go explore her living space.
"Ahhh, quite cozy, not bad at all" He plopped down on her couch with his arms resting atop of it.

"Good- uh, sure thats fine.. Im gonna take a shower, if you don't mind- i still stench with..sex-" "Oh yes, of course dear! Would you like any help with that? Im sure I could come in handy.." Springtrap suggested with an eyebrow raise and grin,
"no- I'll be just fine on my own thank you very much, you just take a nap or something, alright? Just.. stay in one place".
Y/N scuttled to her room to get new clothes and rush to the bathroom without another word.
Turning on the water and stripping down to nothing, she stepped in cautiously one foot at a time.

~Springtrap's POV~
Huh, well shes probably going to be there for a while..I could go in, watch her maybe without going unnoticed. I smiled devilishly as I remembered her lovely breasts and thighs, awfully plush and beautiful..
Well, suppose that can wait, Ill just do a bit of snooping around in the meantime, couldn't hurt not too.
I walked around as I traced my mind on every nook and cranny, not too many family photos in sight, a quaint little place even. Hell though, in my young years I could somehow support a household quite early.
I stared blankly at the kitchen counter tops, awfully surprised that my brain could still harness memories of my human-life. Ah, well that doesn't matter anymore, besides- I'm sure I'll spend basically the rest of my days with Y/N..not like she would have a choice either way- I won't let her go, never, I'll keep her happy and pleasant..she'll like it- no, love it..love me. A sinister grin grew onto my face, for I was never a sane being, one might say, and I don't plan to change my ways anytime soon.
I began to shuffle through her house, going through drawers in her room and eventually found myself at the side of her bed. With a hand I raised up the top sheet to smell it, harnessing her savoring scent, my mouth practically..watering.
I buried my nose into her sheets, inhaling practically, I could get high off of her if I could-

"What the..fuck-?, the hell are you doing??" Springtrap quickly arose from his trance to find Y/N wrapped in a towel with her arms crossed, wanting a good explanation for why he was practically face-planted in her bed.
"Oh- I..Y/N! Darling Y/N, you see.. there was a weird smell coming from..the bed, you see- you might've spilled something on it so it should probably be washed.."

He nervously laughed as his face grew a bright shade of pink of embarrassment. She stared directly into his gaze with a cold glare, but seemed to ease up just with his response. Y/N walked beside him to sit on the edge of her bed with legs crossed, "you know..I probably did spill something, knowing me, a bit of a klutz."
She smiled as she let out a chuckle, then reaching up to reach for his chin.

"That would be a fair point..if I did eat on my bed, but I grew up in a house hold where that wasn't aloud and I never seemed to grow out of that, so tell me.. what were you doing, hm?" Springtrap froze in his tracks, definitely not expecting a pull like that or to be under her control.
He swallowed hard, burying away all other emotions besides his 'charismatic' and sly charm, "alright officer, you caught me.. It's just that I simply cant get enough of you, its the simple truth!"

He put his hands up jokingly as if he was going to get arrested, "hm- knew it was something like that, weirdo.." Y/N huffed as she put a hand on her chin, honestly finding him to be childish.
"Hey, how about we do something productive then just play who's blamed here, a film on the telly perhaps?" She looked at him with genuine seriousness for a second, then tried to hide her sudden burst of laughter.

"Telly..? We're not in the UK here, this is America- you know, 'Land of the free, home of the brave'?" Springtrap snickered, "alright no need to be a smart-ass, I know I say things weird-like".
He knelt down as he rested his head on her lap, slowly beginning to wrap his arms around her waist, Y/N grew a bit wide-eyed as he did so, eventually becoming comfortable and deciding to pat the top of his head. Springtrap let out a joyous, yet soft sigh, taking in every passing second.

Y/N stroked behind his broken ear, noticing his grip around her got tighter as she did so. "Ha, you like that?" "..Very much so". He muffled as he shivered, "well then, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I continue on, hm?"
He laughed as he fell in a trance by her actions, "not at all Y/N, not at all."

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