<Chapter 6> Springtrap

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Y/N felt all shaken up, she couldn't help but trace her eyes all over this..thing, this unsettling robot. "W-What...?" She softly asked, her jaw and voice trembling.
"That's just it dear, I, me, am real."

He lowered down his head a little, still watching her every move with still that sinister grin plastered onto his face. "A-..Are you- animatronic?.." She asked, wanting to run out that front door any second now.
The robot paused, then spoke in that same unsettling tone, "Well, in a way, you could put it." He suggested, letting out a deep chuckle from within him, leading to a raspy cough.

Y/N finally calmed herself down, she needed to woman-up, she thought to herself that this animatronic just might be controlled by AI and just has a very good responsive talking mechanism that she was unaware about. Yeah, that has to be it! Y/N thought. "Well..whats your name?" She crossed her arms, backing up in her chair just a bit.
"Oh of course, where are my manners? Apologies dear, the names Springtrap, if you will." He said in a bit of a.. charismatic tone. "And on the topic, who might you be yourself?" He twitched his head a bit to the side again, maintaining that contact, "..Y/N, just that. Im the security guard here."
She swallowed hard, "Y/N..Y/N..thats a lovely name I might suggest, tell me, how long have you been here, Y/N?" He grinned.

"Been here.. oh, not too long I suppose.. just two days." Springtrap let out a low cackle. "Oh, so your just brand new I see~" "Yea-" she replied awkwardly. "Now, if you will..Springtrap, could you..leave, now?" Y/N asked with a genuine smile, hoping he would and leave without another word. "Darling dear Y/N, im afraid I cannot do that~ Ive just arrived, its genuinely your fault you couldn't keep me away, hm~?" He smirked, knowing he got his way through her failure.
Y/N covered her hands onto her face, groaning.

"Shiittt...I knew I was missing something with that audio thing-!.." Springtrap grasped Y/N's wrists, surprising her. "No, no, look at me, because I want to look at you~, Why, I came here to see you~!" He happily said. She turned embarrassed as he did this, feeling entirely trapped in his metal grasp.
"No- I- let go of me!-" She tried spreading her arms but they wouldn't budge, he had a tight grip on her. "Ah, I'm afraid I cannot, and won't do that, your not getting away this easily..why, i haven't talked to anyone in ages~." He chuckled again.

Suddenly Y/N used both of her feet to push Springtrap off of her, luckily enough, it worked, sending him to the floor. "Why, you.." Y/N crawled away to grab her scissors out of her bag.
With them, she sat on top of Springtrap, pinning him straight to the floor. "When i say you leave, you go ahead and fucking leave. Ill say it now, im scared as shit! I..I have no idea what you are. Now tell me, who are you."
She opened the scissors wide and aimed at his neck.

Springtrap looked down at the scissors and smirked, "Now come on Y/N, I simply told you already~ It's Springtrap, just that." "I don't.. believe you!" Y/N dove and clamped the scissors onto his neck, hearing a bit of cracking while it clamped down, yet.. It didn't do any harm to him. "What..? But I-" Springtrap sat up, "Sure, you may have tried but you forgot, I'm no human." He devilishly grinned before forcefully pinning her to the ground this time, not even needing to use all his strength. "Gah-!" "Ill tell you once, and only once, dear little Y/N.."

He bent down closer to her, near her ear.
"Im the man who started it all," He whispered softly.

Suddenly the alarm rang, it had finally reached 6 AM. Springtrap got up off of her and walked back down the hall without saying another word.
Y/N eventually got up, wondering what the hell exactly just went on. All in all, she was just glad she could go back to the safety and comfort of her own home.

Once finally back home after that interesting event, Y/N sat at her desk in pj's, thinking over what just happened in a span of just a few hours.
"Im the man who started it all", what did he mean by that?.." She wondered on repeat.
Suddenly the memory of Springtrap topping her came into play, she blushed at the thought of it but then gently slapped herself in the face shortly afterwards.

"What is wrong with you! That was.. an animatronic! Or- i don't even know at this point!." With her cheeks still flushed with pink, she hadn't remembered the last time she was 'handled' like that by another man..
God Y/N! What are you even thinking?? Pull yourself together dammit!. She thought out loud in her head, as she went to her bed and laid down, staring up at the ceiling. Y/N decided to skip a few hours of sleep and continue with even more research, maybe she could find a source which could lead to the truth of Springtrap.

With just a good question in mind, she typed it into her tablet, "How..were..the..Freddy..Fazbear..Animatronics..made" She typed in. With just enough luck, she didn't get many results but the first one seemed to do justice in itself. "'A Brief History Of The Freddy's Animatronics', huh, this should help in some ways." She said, clearing her throat.
"Freddy's first came into play with two just two animatronics, back in the mid 80's. A rabbit and a bear, these were special in age since these animatronics could be worn as a costume by employees and they could play on there own on stage. This diner was proudly known as Fredbears Family Diner."

A rabbit.. She was reminded, that could be him but she would just have to keep reading.
A diagram was then shown of differences between an 80's Fredbear animatronic and a 'now' Freddy Fazbear animatronic.
The diagram included the difference in size and facts, the Fredbear Rabbit animatronic being the appropriate size for a human to fit in and a regular Freddy Fazbear animatronic being way heavier set and not made accessible for humans to climb inside.

"So..Springbonnie....Springtrap..god- it makes sense-!" With that, she was satisfied knowing just part of the truth, eventually drifting off into deep sleep.

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