<Chapter 5> Face to Face

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As she sat again in the familiar and rotten-smelling office, she was greeted by the phone call yet again this time. She accepted the call but instantly shut it off just 5 minutes into that guys rambling.

She really didn't care for what he had to say, plus she was sure she had everything under control now and new how to work out the system without aid. To just her surprise within 15 minutes into her shift, she noticed a figure standing on the other side of the window. Mostly all black with tints of green all over its body, stubby ears and a top hat.
"Wait..that must be Freddy! Right?" She rubbed her eyes and looked again, it still stood there. Y/N fumbled around with her bag to find her phone, taking it out and focusing the frame on Freddy.

"Ok just..stay there for a second maybe.., let the camera focus-" she said out loud. Suddenly Freddy came straight into her direction with a loud and ear-piercing screech as she turned on flash and took a picture.
"JESUS CHRIST-" she instantly dropped her camera and ducked under the desk. Beep, Beep, Beep! The computer began to create noise just a second later after Y/N got jumpscared, she was frightened to sit back in her seat.

Eventually with curiosity, she got back up to realize that the Ventilation system crashed. Dammit, damn.. whatever the hell that thing was, she spoke in her mind.
As she successfully rebooted the system, she picked up her phone to see the final result of that mid-crisis moment, "what the hell, why isn't he shown up..?"

In the picture was a blurry image of what just seemed to be a window, no Freddy to be seen, she wondered to herself if she was actually seeing these things or it was just all in her head. Well if I saw a ghost girl as a kid, perhaps I still tend to hallucinate sometimes, Y/N joked to herself.
Y/N decided to check the vents to see if anything was there. Nothing at all, although she did think she saw a glance of a rat passing by in them. She then decided to check the cameras, Y/N gasped a bit out of surprise to what she came across on the camera.

She came face to face with another mascot, except.. he looked rather different, revolting even. This one just may be the replica corpse animatronic her boss told her not to worry about, Damn, they made it pretty well made- if i wasn't told earlier, I would've surely thought it was real. She laughed to herself.
The animatronic was she believed- a rabbit, its suit a moldy green color, covered in red splotches of what she presumed to look like blood, with bright yellow eyes and an unsettling grin.

It looked dead directly in the camera view, and didn't move or say a word. "Man, your creepy alright, but also a bit unsettling at the same time- shouldn't they turn you off during the night?"
She didn't expect a response since after all, it was on the other side of the camera and just a robot. Y/N switched to a different camera to end the long-lasting staring contest, finding another one of those..black and green animatronics with white pupils.

This time it was a stubby and small one, with a playful grin. Wearing abnormally large shoes and a hat with a propeller. It was only just a few seconds, studying it before it lashed out at her again like Freddy did.
Y/N jumped again out of her seat, but felt more prepared for that then before. "Okay, that proves it, DO NOT look at those.. weirdly colored animatronics, they must be triggered or something."

Beep, Beep, Beep! The ventilation went off again, Y/N instantly rebooted it again within a short time, then finally all was calm again. She had forgotten all about that different animatronic. Suddenly, she heard something different, loud clanking and clashing down the hall like heavy pounding footsteps.
She flipped through the cameras left and right, the rabbit was nowhere to be seen on the cams. Y/N looked up to see it right behind the glass, staring right at her like prey.

"Oh my god-" she put her hand on her heart, "Oh come on, you don't have to scare me like that!.. could've sworn I was close to a heart attack." She gasped a little.
The animatronic twitched it's head to the side and kept staring, "okay..your getting a bit- weird, can you- leave?" She jokingly asked the robot. It then suddenly came walking with those same metal footsteps, to the side door of her office.

"Hey, hey! I said LEAVE, as in, go the other way-"

"..Oh~ but why would I do such a thing?"

Suddenly the animatronic spoke, clear understandable English, accompanied with an unexpected British accent. It's voice was deep and raspy, like it hadn't talked in decades, in an unsettling way.
Y/N grew frozen and speechless, "....No, no, you did not speak- I- I gotta fix the ventilation system, I'm imagining, ITS JUST IN MY HEAD, he would- THAT thing..would never speak-! It can't, it's just a robot!"

Y/N instantly threw up the camera in front of her view to press the ventilation, but nothing happened. Suddenly the animatronic pulled down her camera with its very own hands.

"Oh no, certainly, I assure you.. this is all real." He smirked.

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