Broken Family💔

49 4 1

Time skips,

Yoongi's parents, BTS except Jin and Hobi and Hyun reached Hyun's house. Entering the house, Hyun asked if they need anything or want anything to drink just when they heard shouting coming from a room feeling like two people are fighting. From the expressions of Hyun, they could feel she knew what was happening. Just when they saw Hyun's parents shouting at each other.

Hyun's Mom: How dare you? How dare you to accuse me when you are sleeping around with women of you daughter's age. Lee Jinwon, if you are forgetting you have a daughter who is getting married and you are trying to get away from the responsibility. *Shout*

Hyun's Dad: Oh you are not any different. Going to kitty parties, coming late. Even if I sleep around with woman outside that doesn't make me cheater because if you are forgetting, we don't have any relationship like a husband wife. And what daughter? She is just a drunken mistake.

Hyun's Mom: You say like whole mistake was mine only. You are equally at fault. Now that Hyun is getting married, we should at least look after her.

Hyun's Dad: Don't act like you care, Hyejin.

Hyun's Mom: I don't know why we got married to each other. Why are we even living each other?

Hyun's Dad: Because the big 'MISTAKE'

Hyun Jin was not reacting. It was not the first time of course. But it was first time, she felt embarrassed and ashamed. She didn't know what to do so she grabbed a glass and threw the glass with huge force which caused loud noice. Everyone looked at her including her parents.

Hyun: Just take divorce already.

Hyun's Dad: What?

Hyun: You said you are with each other because of the biggest 'MISTAKE' you had done in the past whose result is me. So just divorce already. Because I think I am better with you guys separated than you guys together. No one will blame you guys. No one will shout at you, Mr. Lee. You both don't have to be responsible for this unwanted, unplanned drunken mistake. *Pointing to herself*

She said all these looking down. Everyone in the room was silent. No one was talking. Her parents were also numb. Hyun looked at her parents. There was no expressions on her face. It was blank.

Hyun: Mr. Lee, remember when you caught me with drugs, you said how disappointed you were with me. How I was a mistake of yours. But you didn't feel to ask me "Dear, why? What was the reason?" *She stayed quite for a second*
You didn't ask me then but I wanna tell you. You guys were the one. You guys forced me. You are the freaking cause of my pain.

Saying this, Hyun left the house in a hurry. Yoongi and others tried to stop her or follow her but couldn't.


Jin and Hobi was on leave to meet BTS and most importantly their brother's soon to be wife, Lee Hyun Jin. When they reached near the house, they saw Hyun leaving in a hurry with her car and Others trying to stop her. So they immediately started to follow her.

Jin: Hoba, call suga.

Hobi called Suga and they explained each other the situation. Hyun went towards an old building and climbed on the roof. Hobi and Jin followed her.

Jin: This lady have so much energy.

Hyun was standing at the edge of the roof.

Jin: Suicide is not an option, young lady.

Hyun turned around and started to laugh. Then she jumped back and went towards them while laughing.

Hyun: *laugh* I am *laugh* not that *laugh* brave to kill *laugh* kill myself, Seokjin. *Laugh*

After a minute of laughter, she calmed down.

Hyun: I came here for fresh air. By the way, you guys followed me all the way? *Surprised*

Hobi: What else could we possibly do?

Hyun: Well I guess your gang members told you two all the tea.

Jin: Gang sounds like we are some underground mafia.

Hyun: *murmuring* ohh only if you guys knew ffs.

Jin: Did you say something? *Raising an eyebrow*

Hyun: Did you hear something? *Raising eyebrows*

Jin: You are funny. *Window wiper laugh*

Hyun: Alright fire away.

Jin: What?

Hyun: Questions that you guys want to ask me.

Hobi: First, tell us your current feeling.

Hyun: My feelings are not that much as this is not the first time they fought like this. So....

Jin: Still....

Hyun: Alright.

Hyun took a deep breath and continued her words. "My parent's marriage was an arranged marriage. They don't really love each other. Just one day, they got drunk and had me. For them, I am nothing but a mistake, a disappointment. They used to fight a lot but not Infront of me. But when I turned 12, they started to fight Infront of me too. Mr. Lee used to hang out with other women and Mrs. Lee used to enjoy her kitty parties. I used sleep alone, wake up alone, live alone. Even though we lived in one roof, we never lived like a family. Yeah, that's how much broken my family is!" Saying Hyun smiled at them. Hobi asked her, "Don't you feel that you and yoongi's marriage could be like your parents as yours is also an arranged marriage, no offense." Hyun stared at sky for some minute then looked at him. "You are right, it could be like then but you know I have seen arranged marriages being both successful and failure and same with the love marriages. I am just thinking to give a chance to life. Let's see whether it heals us or destroy us." She spoke with calmness in her voice.

They talked for some time and then parted away their ways. Jin and Hobi went straight to Yoongi's house.

(Will update later in midnight probably.)

Words Count: 986

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