Mom and Dad

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A week before Hyungi's Wedding,

Hyun was at her parent's home cooking something in the kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Lee were supposed to take divorce but don't know why they took a mutual decision of not taking divorce and give their marriage a second chance after years. Hyun was surprised hearing that but at the same time, she was happy. Even though she said herself to them to take divorce but no children in the world want their parents separation no matter how toxic the relationship is. Even though Hyun was old enough to handle all the stuff but the child in her couldn't. Hyun was cooking while her mother was standing there watching her from a little distance. Hyun asked her mother to taste the food if the ingredient were all okay.

Mrs. Lee: *After tasting the food* good. I didn't know you could cook so well.

Hyun: When your mother is not there for you, you yourself have to learn everything to survive.

Hyun's intention was not to hurt her mother. She was just stating a fact. But her mother felt like she was taunting her but she didn't say anything as Hyun was right. After a long silence, her mother finally spoke something making Hyun think a bit before answering.

Mrs. Lee: I know I have been a bad mother. I didn't care for you. But can you forgive me? Can we start afresh?

Hyun didn't say anything. She finished her cooking and went to wash her hands and came back.

Hyun: You weren't there for mr when I needed you the most. You weren't there for me when uncle Choi abused me. Indeed, you were a bad mother. But nothing can change the fact that you ate my mother and I am your daughter. Not even you and me. About forgiving you, the pain is deeper. So it will take time to heal. But how much time? I don't know about that. About starting a new journey,  I think we can give it a try.

There were silence for a certain time being before Hyun broke it.

Hyun: I don't remember when was the last time we talked this much. *laugh* I know it was tough for you too. Suddenly you got married to someone and had a child, most importantly unplanned child with an unwanted person. Maybe it hampered your life, the life you wanted to live. So I think it's okay...........*silence* mom.

Mrs. Lee looked up with sparkling eyes. God knows after how long she called her mom instead Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Lee smiled at her which Hyun returned back.

Mrs. Lee: I never said this but I am proud of you. You are more mature than I ever could be. I thought a person like me could never be forgiven.

Hyun: Everyone deserves a second chance.

Later in the evening,

Hyun's father was reading newspaper in the dining room when Hyun went to him with tea. Seeing Hyun, her father folded the newspaper and kept it aside while gesturing Hyun to take a seat. Hyun took a seat infront of him while two of them enjoyed tea with the cold breeze blowing around them.

Mr. Lee: Wedding shopping done?

Hyun hummed in response.

Mr. Lee: You designed them all or you bought them from somewhere else?

Hyun: I designed them.

Then there were awkward silence. No one was talking until Mr. Lee broke the silence.

Mr. Lee: I am sorry.

Hyun; *confused* For what?

Mr. Lee: *Dry smile* You know that very well. I am sorry for calling you bad luck, disappointment, mistake. I am sorry that I was not there for you whenever you needed. I am sorry for not acting like a dad that I should. I am sorry for forcing you into a marriage with someone you don’t want to.

Hyun: You should be sorry for everything except the last one. That's probably the only one good decision you took in your entire life.

Mr. Lee: You are happy with him?

Hyun: More than I ever could be. Thank you for bringing Yoongi in my life.

There were a moment of silence before Hyun continued her words.

Hyun: I know you did love me. I remember you being drunk and coming to my room to check if I slept well or not. The time when you used to be sober sometimes but still used to come to my room and talk to my sleepy figure for hours when I was young.

Hyun's father got shocked about how she knew everything all these years.

Hyun: I used to pretend like I am sleeping but I wasn’t asleep back then. I used to hear you always. But the behavior I used to get the very other morning, it would make me doubt about you.

Hyun's father looked down feeling guilty.

Hyun: I know you love me, maybe I have disappointed you that much that you didn’t admit it but I know. Yes, your behaviour always hurt me but that because I love you too............Appa.

Mr. Lee: You are right. But it wasn’t your fault. The real coward always have been me.

With that, they talked a bit about past things and random other things while her mother joined them. God knows, how many years, Hyun thirsted for this moment. This Hyun was not 31 years old Hyun, it felt like she was the 5 years old Hyun who craved for her Parents love having her own family moment. It was getting late at night. Hyun was going to her room for sleeping when her father called her and said.....

Mr. Lee: Can you design a suit for me for your wedding?

Mrs. Lee: *being jealous* Dress for me also.

Hyun: *smiling at them* Take it as It's done.

Words count: 973

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