The Truth Untold 2.0

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Hyun: Ahhm......uhhmm....

Flashback 📸

*Knock knock*

Hyun: Come in.

Ben stepped inside the room while Hyun was doing some paperworks.

Ben: What's up?

Hyun: Work loads

Ben: #sadlifeu By the way, What about the outfits? Is it done?

Hyun: On the way. *Stops doing her works and looks at her while smiling slyly*

Ben: *disgusted* Why are you looking at me like this?

Hyun: Be my fiance.

Ben: Heh...

Hyun: I mean pretend to be my fiance.

Ben: For what??

Hyun told everything about making jealous Yoongi and to make it more realistic, Ben to pretend to be her fiance.

Ben: Thank god, you didn't accept me back then or else.... *Signs as dead*

Hyun: 🙄 Duh....Thank me that YOU gotcha Lina as your partner.

Ben: That's true. Thanks Lee. But you are still so cruel for making him suffer.

Hyun: Will you do it or not? *Blinking many times*

Ben: What if I don't want to?

Hyun: Nothing just forget the wedding outfits of yours.

Ben: Yaa....that's not fair, Lee.

Hyun: Everything is fair.

Ben: Why me? Where is Roy?

Hyun: I don't know. That fucker is not answering my calls. Maybe fucking around with some chicks or anything.
Now tell me the answer.

Ben: Do I have any other option?

Hyun: Unfortunately no, honey.

Ben: Bring it on then.

Hyun: Ahh.... finally. I can change Roy's name on My call list.

Ben: What is his name saved as right now?

Hyun: Trust me, you won't want to know.

Ben: What is it?

Hyun showed her phone to him where the number was saved as '❤️' emoji. Seeing that, Ben almost puked up.

Hyun: That's what I thought.

Ben: It's so cringe hahahahahabuhaha😂

Hyun changed the name of the phone contact as 'Malfoy Roy'.

Flashback Ends.

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