Chapter 4 - Massacre funeral

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Blaza ran out of Tbh's base.
Running towards the Woods, he didn't look back, or answer Tbh's calls to come back.
Running faster, and faster.
Not seeing, his own death...

   He slipped on a banana peel, his own food source. He fell on spikes that went into his head, a blood pool formed around his head. Tears running down his face as someone below him was trying to get out.

Dino couldn't lift up the lid as a body was right above him.

    A bloodshot scream cut the air.
Blood started to drip into Dino's coffin. The reptile start to tear up as he knew who's scream that was, Blaza.

   He heard footsteps stomping on the ground. Another scream could be heard, as another and another.

   Tbh dug his face into Blaza's chest,
While feeling every emotion of grief.
Socks kept crying uncontrollably, Tbh too. Tbh's hands and hair was covered in blood, Socks and clawed at the dirt.

    Dino suffocated, due to lack of air.
Socks finally discovered the coffin just as Dino suffocated. They opened it up to see his limp, scaled, body.

"No..." Socks began. "NOT DINO TOO!"

Rain started to pour.
TBVG,Jooice, Ommpa, Woolf, Laff, Nadwe, and Meme came up running.
Socks looked at all of them, crying.

   Everyone gasped, and started to sob.
Woolf just stood there, his face showed no reaction. His tail was between his legs, a single tear dripped from his eye.

About 20 minutes went by, Socks and Tbh passed out. Meme and Jooice carried both of them into the crabs house.

Laff and TBVG carried the bodies towards the church.

     Meme and Jooice started to talk about  five minutes before Socks and Tbh woke up. They were on a bed together, so they just woke up next to each other.

Socks eye's were dry, so they teared up to moisturize themselves. Tbh's eyes did the same.

   They both seemed depressed, they didn't react to each other, and they would blush if they were in bed together. But not this time.

Tbh didn't even bother to look at Socks, as he was looking at him.
Tbh started cry again, remembering what happened just half an hour ago.

Meme and Jooice looked at each, worried. Seeing their different behavior, definitely means something.

Tbh left, and went to the bathroom.
Socks just laid in the bed and hid under the blanket.

Meme, and Jooice left the house to leave Socks and Tbh alone. They would come back once the funeral was about to start.

Socks got out of the bed, and went into the kitchen. Several knifes were missing for some reason. He started to hear gagging from the bathroom.

    He ran in, and see that Tbh attempted to hang himself. Socks quickly tied the rope, but he also saw blood on the floor. Knifes were in the bath tub. Tbh apparently tried to slit his neck open, as there was a line of blood on his neck.

Socks hugged Tbh as soon as he was released. Tbh passed out from the blood loss, Socks screamed for Meme.
Meme came rushing to see what happened, and he quickly stitch the open neck wound.

   Tbh woke up shortly after, he was being held by Socks. His legs hanging off Socks arm, his arms around Socks neck. Again no reaction, he just did nothing. Not being bothered by that, Socks looked down.

"I-I...I don't want to lose y-you either..." Socks stuttered. "Don't kill yourself...please for heavens sake."
Socks pleaded. "You said the same thing to me! Now I want you to stay."

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