Before beginning...

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So I just want to confirm some things here.

You don't like, or don't want ships? Check out Cover Up, which is a AU without ships! Check my profile to check it out!

There will be ships.
I won't include TBVG, OOF, Nadwe, MuffinJuice, Woolfster, Dino(Dinosaur), Ommpa, Laff/L4FF, or Ally. As they are underage,nor no ships between them and someone else. Also Ally won't be in this story as she isn't in the SMP to begin with.

I don't own any of the characters, or artwork. This is just a AU, and what ships I like.

The people that will commonly be shipped are;

Blaza x Tbhhonest

Tbhhonest x SocksFor1

SocksFor1 x Blaza

Might ship Jooice with Socks, due to Socks newer videos. (Also because the washing machine thing😏)

Almost done with the story and I don't ship them.  -Future me

SocksFor1 | Socks.A (Fictional Full name) | Socks (Nickname)

Blaza |Blaza.B (Fictional Full name)

FatMemeGod |Meme (Nickname)

Tbhhonest |Tbh/Tb (Nickname)

Jooice | Juice (Nickname)

Oofistoshort |Oof (Nickname)

TBVG |Tb (Nickname)

MuffinJuice|Muffin (Nickname)

Laffengas|Laff.G (Fictional full name) |Laff (Nickname) L4FF (Other name?)

Woolfster|Woolf (Nickname)

Dinosaur|Dino (Nickname)

Ommpaville|Ommpa (Nickname) (We don't talk about his real IRL name)

Nadwe|Monika Lover (Name he gave himself 💀)

(Again, Ally isn't gonna be in this story cause she never was in the original SMP, sorry!)

That's all, and please enjoy the story!
(202 words)

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