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As SocksFor1 woke up in the armed base, he felt a shock of pain in this neck.

"Must have slept the wrong way, ughh..." Socks groaned. "Hey Blaza got any-"

"Yeah just sleep again, in a CORRECT position." Blaza interrupted. "Cause we got to go investigate the tunnel that Ommpa found."

"Right..." Socks realized. "Wake me up again in like 20 minutes..."

"Nope, I'll get Jooice here to look after you." Blaza informed. "We need to investigate the tunnel right away! They might steal our resources by using the tunnel!"

"Alright, alright." Socks croaked. "And tell Jooice get me some water, my throat is dry as hell."

Blaza nodded, and left the room.
Socks laid on his back waiting for Jooice to show up.

"What's up mate?" Jooice asked. "Here's your water bottle!"

Socks grabbed the water bottle and chugged it. Looking at the British man, not realizing he zoned out.

"Socks?" Jooice said as he broke the silence. "...Socks...?"

"Oh! Sorry Jooice, just zoned out there!" Socks apologized. "Just...tired that's all."

"It's alright." Jooice reassured. "I'll wait here if you need me."

Socks mumbled a sound of understanding, as he drifted back to sleep.

Blaza, Dino and Oompa were at the tunnel.

"Why didn't you tell us!?" Blaza shouted. "You could have risked all of our intel, information, and our plans!"

"I thought you knew!" Ommpa said nervously. "I-"

"If we knew, wouldn't we announce that?" Blaza argued. "YOU risked so many things! I think it's better that you just collect resources for us, then letting you get military information."

Ommpa stared at Blaza then at Dino.
Making a guilty look at him.

"Ommpa, you heard what he said..." Dino drifted off. "Please go now, we need to block it up and change our whole attack plan."

Ommpa started to leave to get resources, cause that's what he's supposed to do now.

20 minutes had already gone by.
Socks was awake once again.

"Ugh...I'm...a-awake." Socks informed "What happened? I heard Blaza say something..."

"Oh yeah!" Jooice remembered. "Ommpa didn't say anything about the tunnel until now. He got demoted to getting resources."

Socks: Poor Ommpa

"That's a shame."

"I mean... " Jooice cut himself off. "I'm just here! " Jooice chuckled.

"That's for you, but Ommpa was a valid alliance." Socks lectured. "He does a lot more then you think."

Jooice shrugged in response.
Socks was slightly disappointed about Jooices opinion. At least his neck was fine now.

Tbhhonest suddenly appeared.
Tbh was on FatMemeGods side, the side that was amusing that Socks killed his wife.

"Why Hello SocksFor1." Tbh greeted. "I would like to talk to you in private."

Socks looked at him weirdly. He got a pistol just in case this was something else then a 'discussion'.
Tbh lead Socks on top of a hill.

"Socks." Tbh said disturbingly. "I want to do something with you."

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