Chapter 8 - Bloody Love

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"Congrats Tbh!" Meme celebrated. "Happy to see you two back together!"

"Meme what was the roses for in the bag?" Socks asked The doctor. "It seemed so random."

"Shoot-" Meme cut himself off. "I must have dropped some roses in there..."

"It's fine." Tbh said. "I mean, I have Socks back...and Nadwe seems happy."

"How do we explain this to Nadwe?"
Socks asked. "He's only 15..."

"I understand completely." Nadwe replied. "Seriously, I do."

"You scared me!" Socks admitted. "Alright then..."

     As the short child ran back towards Jooice, Meme grabbed Socks shoulder.

"I wish you well." Meme whispered. "Be careful, and please be safe."

"I will." Socks responded.

"Alright I'm starving, let's get some food while we're here." Tbh groaned. "Socks you coming?"

"Now that you mention it..." Socks began. "Yeah, I'm coming."

    They held hands as they walked, getting a plate of food and talking to friends...couldn't be better!
Something...something happened tho.

A stream of blood was rushing from the corner of a room, and everyone gasped, and held their breath.

     Everyone running towards the corner, just to find...Ommpa.

"Ommpa!" Meme shouted. "Stay with us, I have bandages, just stay with us!"

"S-s...something stabbed m-me." Ommpa stuttered. "M-my arms..."

   A big wounds were evenly in size, splitting the skin, blood kept gushing out. The cuts were long as Ommpa's arms.

"I can't..." Ommpa stuttered. "I don't have the strength...."

  Socks rushed over to Ommpa, holding his wrists.

"You will make it." Socks believed. "Cmon, not much longer!"

    As the wrists were no longer tense, they knew Ommpa has passed. Died of Blood loss...

"WHY MUST THIS HAPPEN!???" Socks asked the world. "CAN WE JUST BE HAPPY FOR ONCE!??"

   As Socks cried for his friend, he couldn't stand it for much longer. Everyone was just staring, tears running down people's faces. Nadwe was looking, and Socks ran up at Nadwe and hugged him.

"It's's okay..." Socks tried to reassure. "It's fine...I'm're fine..."


Tbh stared in guilt, he really did kill someone...a 15-year olds happiness.

"No Nadwe!" Socks screamed.

   Nadwe ran off in tears, his best of friends. Gone. Gone, forever...
He can never get them back no matter how hard he tried. As he ran, he had fallen. Fallen in mud, he was surrounded by darkness as the fireflies were in jars.

"I don't care anymore!" Nadwe admitted to himself. "When I have things, they just get ripped away from me! I can't handle it anymore! I miss Muffin, Blaza, Dino, Ommpa! I just want them back!"

     Socks ran towards Nadwe's direction, and found him saying these words. Tearing up himself, he hugged Nader, he had also missed his dead friends...

"Nadwe, I said I would protect you." Socks repeated. "I just didn't see it in time..."

"DON'T blame yourself." Nadwe snapped. "It's not you're fault, it's no body's."
It's not baby Nadwe, cause you built like water your old but you don't look like it 💀

"I'll make sure you don't die..." Socks believed. "I wouldn't want to see you in such amount of pain I went through when I lost my arm."

"I'll try not to."

   Socks kept trying to reassure himself, but more tears just kept coming like tsunamis.
Nadwe tried to calm Socks down, but his efforts were useless. As they were grieving, they turned their emotion from sad, to angry.

         Nadwe clawed the ground below them. Socks on the other hand was hitting the ground with all his might.

"Can't take this shit no more!" Socks yelled. "It's just gonna keep happening!"

With the rest...

   Meme was sitting down on one of the couches, and covered his crying eyes with his hands. Rethinking the memories they had with Ommpa, not that many surprisingly.

    Jooice looked overwhelmed, and ran out. Oof was just staring at the body, and his tux was getting wrinkled by him pulling out and letting it go.

       Oof and Meme helped bring the corpse to the church. They met up with Laff discussing the funeral plans.

Yeah, so... I ran out of ideas. But I'll think of something. Don't worry, the plot isn't ruined by this. It's just the planning that went into this is just *poof* gone.
So sorry for the amount of short chapters.

Happy Reading.

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