Chapter 13 - Gas Shot

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Socks went to Meme's Medbay to fix the crack on his robotic arm.

"You think you can fix it?" Socks asked.

"Pretty sure I can." Meme theorized. "I will just put some clear plastic, because it's not a problem right now."

The piece of plastic went in smoothly! Socks thanked Meme, and left. Returning home.

"Socks, you were supposed to stay inside!" Tbh snapped.

"If I hadn't, we would be burnt to a crisp right now!" Socks shot back.

Tbh snarled in response, and went behind Socks to lock the door. Socks glared at him and left to his room.
Tbh decided to invite TBVG and Meme, for maybe, the last time.

"Hey Tbh!" TBVG greeted.

"Hello Tb!" Tbh welcomed.

"So where's Socks?" Meme asked. "To make sure he's still here."

"He should be upstairs." Tbh replied. "If not, then he ran away again."

Meme went upstairs to a Socks reading. Surprised, The Doctor lightly shook his shoulder. Socks snapped his neck to look at Meme, hissing, and showing his teeth.

"The hell you want?" Socks asked. "I'm here because of you! So the fuck you want?"

"Jeez, calm down!" Meme ordered. "Anyways, I was just saying that were all down stairs-"

A shot spilt the air, the sound of a gunshot shook Socks and Meme to their core. Running down stairs, they were shocked to see TBVG on the ground and Tbh's jaw open wide.

A tear fell down The Crabs face, Meme shook his head in disbelief. Socks gasped, and began tearing up.
It was obvious who did this kill, Tbh.

"Why would you kill him!?" Meme accused. "WHY!?"

"I didn't!" Tbh protested. "Really I didn't!"

"It can't be, Tbh!" Socks defended. "He was with me when Ommpa..."

"Then who-!" Meme was cut-off.

Clapping could be heard, then a dark figure arose from the kitchen.

"Well done!" Woolf falsely praised. "Accusing each other in grief!"

"What!?" Socks sobbed.

"That's right, I said what I said, and I meant what I said!" Woolf snarled.

"Bro, YOUR NOT DR. SEUSS." Tbh shouted.

"Shut the hell up!" Woolf demanded. "Otherwise you'll end up like Tb down here." Woolf said pointing at the body on the floor.

Tbh gulped, and Woolf smiled, showing his canines. Socks couldn't help, but tremble. Meme was sitting next to TBVG sobbing quietly.

"Now your right where I want you!" Woolf chuckled. "I knew teaming up with him was a great idea."

"Laff..." Everyone muttered.

"Now, because there isn't anyone left really, " Woolf began. "You won't have a choice to join us, so you'll give you a day."

"A-a day for w-what?" Meme stammered.

"For living!" Woolf growled.

"Wh-" Tbh was cut off by Socks, signalling to shut up.

"Hold your tongue!" Socks hissed.

Tbh actually held his tongue with his claws, Socks rolled his eyes.
Woolf snickered in response.

"Alright, Laff cmon on in!" Woolf welcomed. "Cmon on now!"

"Ayeee!" Laff greeted. "Ello Mate!"

"So, we got them." Woolf informed. "Should we get them there now?"

"Yeah. Alrighty, get your mask on." Laff ordered.

Woolf had put a gas mask he had on the back of his head. His ear twitched, then a gas started to fill the room. Laff started to laugh, hysterically.

Meme fainted, Tbh too. Socks was crying, and looking at Woolf dead in the eye. Woolf waved, at him, chuckling could be heard from him.

Everything was turning black to The Spaceman. Now he too had fainted.
Now it was fate that decides their life...or death.

I know it's short, BUT I HAVE GOOD NEWS.
Also thank you again for 200 reads! I couldn't have done this without y'all!
Also Book 2 wouldn't exist if y'all weren't reading!
It's a shame seeing this story ending at a litte over a month. But, you guys really like this!

More animations about this will come out!
(August, 2023)

Happy Reading!

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