Chapter 6 - Behind The Chats

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      As Socks finally came back with ingredients for lunch, he had a hard time getting his keys out of his pockets as his hands were full.
Luckily Tbh ran down stairs and opened the door.

"Thank you, tbh. " Socks cheered. "Really, thanks."

"No problem!" Tbh shot back.

    As Socks crouched down to put some things away, Tbh blushed majorly. He turned his head quickly.

"I-I'm gonna go use the bathroom." Tbh said. "I'll be right back."

   Honest ran quickly to the bathroom, and he looked in the mirror.

"Why am I falling for him?" Tbh asked himself. "I never felt this so much before, why now?"

   Tbh didn't know something tho...Sock's ear was right on the door.
Socks had heard enough, and ran back in the kitchen to sort more things.

"I never knew that, that's strange."Socks told himself."I like that...I think."

"I couldn't even reveal my feelings properly to Blaza, now Socks is pulling my heart in?" Tbh asked himself. "I can only handle my feelings for so long..."
(Why must I make things hard on myself :) I keep wanting to write more of this ship 😭)

   Meme came out of nowhere, and just spawned next to Tbh.

"Heyyyyy." Meme greeted. "I got some food for you and Socks."

"Why?" Tbh asked. "What did you plan for us now?

"Some lunch, or brunch, whatever you call it." Meme answered. "Anyways, just take it. I cooked it myself.

"Uhhhh..." Tbh shuttered. "Thanks...I guess."

Meme ran out and left as quickly as he came in.

Tbh confused, as he came out the bathroom with a whole meal.

"Tbh?" Socks asked. "Where did you get that?"

"You scared me..." Tbh gasped. "Oh, Meme gave it too me, I don't know how he came in the bathroom, I swear I locked it..."

"Odd." Socks commented. "I guess we're gonna eat Indian food for lunch today..."

"Seems so." Tbhhonest added. "Here you go."

Tbh gave Socks the bag.
As they talked while making their way to the kitchen, Socks saw a rose petals in a separate container inside of the bag.

"What is this?" Socks asked out loud. "Why would Meme give you this?"

Tbh saw the petals and was super confused on why Meme would do that.

"I don't know..." Tbh said honestly. "Really, I don't know. Meme came out of nowhere when I was in the bathroom remember?"

   Socks gave a sharp glace, and then gave a small smile.
Bad we came down stairs and almost ruined the plan.

"Tbh their-" Nadwe cut himself off as soon he saw Socks.

   Socks gave a glare at Tbh, basically saying; 'The fuck does he mean by that huh?'

"Frogs." Tbh coughed out. "We we're- umm....watching frogs, and see which one would come to the door first!"

"Uh huh." Socks said in disbelief. "Nadwe, what's really going on?"

"Seriously, Tbh is telling the truth." Nadwe said firmly. "Follow me."

     As Nadwe led the way outside. Their really was frogs! Socks made a face of surprise, and patted Tbh's shoulder and went back inside.

"Close call."  Tbh whispered. "Try not to that anymore okay?"

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