1. Chapter Usual Day of Theia

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Her life was good

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Her life was good.

Wasn't amazing but she loved it.

Until everything changed.

Theia was walking down the street, lost in her own thoughts. The cool evening air brushed against her face as she made her way home. She always enjoyed these moments of solitude, with one hand in her pocket and the other clutching her old phone.

It was a hand-me-down from her mother, a symbol of love and a reminder to be grateful for what she had.

Her parents had instilled in her the importance of appreciating everything, regardless of its age or origins. It didn't matter if she had something old or something passed down from her parents. Theia knew that there were kids out there who had far less than her, and she cherished every possession she had, no matter the cost.

Dressed in a slightly oversized dark hoodie, blue jeans, and well-worn black sneakers, Theia scanned the dimly lit street with her hazel eyes. The only sources of light came from the streetlights and the occasional house with lights turned on inside. Nighttime had already settled in, but she didn't mind.

She was a little late because she had lost track of time earlier while engrossed in a history book at the library. And when she starts reading its hard to stop because she is too consumed in the book that she doesn't realize how fast the time is going. That happens to her more often than you would think.

Eventually, she arrived at her two-story house painted in a calming light blue with white windows. It may not have been the newest house on the block, but it held a special place in her heart. Inside those walls, Theia felt a sense of safety, protection, and above all, love. She truly believed that she didn't need anything more than that.

As she fumbled for her keys in her pocket, a surge of excitement coursed through her when she discovered the lunch money she had been searching for all day. Why she decided to put it in the smallest front pocket instead of her wallet was a mystery, but she shrugged it off and unlocked the door, stepping inside.

The door opened and she stepped inside . An immediate warmth enveloped her as she closed the door behind her. Home at last. The hallway was illuminated by the main light, but during the day, natural light poured in through the nearby windows, casting a gentle glow. Theia placed her keys in the bowl that sat on the table to her right, a familiar routine, before calling out, "I'm home!"

She made her way to the living room, where she expected to find her mother, Jenna. The room boasted warm yellow and white walls, with a cozy wooden floor. In the center of it all was a plush white rug, and on top sat her mother, wrapped in a soft grey knitted blanket, sipping tea and engrossed in a magazine.

The room also boasted a TV and a grand fireplace, an essential source of warmth during cold winter days. Theia realized that her mother has been waiting for her and started to feel a little guilty for keeping her mother up.

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