7. Chapter Searching for more

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What is a name?

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What is a name?

What is it for?

To put you in a frame,

or is it for more?


6 years old Theia's POV

I'm sitting in my small room. The walls are plain and offered no comfort, only the harsh reminder of me of isolation. The only furnishings were a thin, torn mattress and a dirty blanket. No windows allowed me to catch a glimpse of the outside world, leaving me to wonder what it looked like.

Were the people out there as mean as the ones in this place? The ones who hurt her relentlessly, ignoring her pleas for them to stop. And the worse thing was that the only way out were the thick steel door that separates me from everything

I'm just sitting there looking at the walls thinking what was behind them. Wondering how the outside world looked like. If people out there were nice why were these one hurting her? I didn't like those people that hurt me because when I yelled at them to stop, they didn't. They just continued.

Suddenly, a loud noise pierced the silence, followed by a voice that echoed throughout my room. "Door to the cell 045, subject 0TH12, are opening." I Pushed my knees up to my chest into a ball and pushed my little body to the corner as much as I could. I don't want them to come. They will take me to that room. I don't like it there it smells weird, and they hurt me there.

The steel door opened and inside walked one man that was dressed in an expensive looking suit. Behind him I could see two ore man in a lab coats that followed closely behind him. I sniffled; I'm scared I don't want to go.

"Hello subject 0TH12.Did you sleep well?" The man in a suit started talking but I just stayed quiet looking at my knees. "What? You now aren't speaking?" I stayed quiet looking at my knees rather than at the man that just entered here. My eyes burned with tears, but I held them back. "Ok So we are choosing the hard way fine."

The man in the suit exchanged a glance with one of the lab-coated men and spoke in a firm tone.. "Bring sie ins Zimmer." ("Bring her into the room.")

The men in the lab coats nodded moving towards me. They both grabbed my arms, and I started fighting back. I started kicking and punching but nothing seemed to work. They were both a lot bigger and stronger than me.

They walked in the room. Where everything happened. Because of that room I have nightmares. Because of that room I'm scared all that time. I started fighting more and even started screaming but they still held me. They dragged me while I still tried to get out of their grips I know it was impossible but maybe their arm would slip and I could run.

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