2. Chapter The annoying classmate

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Some people get it,

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Some people get it,

others dont,

some poeple might

others wont.


eight-year-old Theia was running through the dimly lit streets, her small bare feet pattering against the pavement.

The darkness engulfed everything around her, making it difficult to see anything. Fear gripped her as she ran, her heart racing with each beat. She had no choice but to keep running, to keep going farther and farther away.

But even in her desperate escape, fear gnawed at her. What if there was a monstrous creature lurking in the darkness, waiting to pounce on her unsuspecting form?

Tears streamed down her face, her sobs mingling with the pain she felt. It was hard to even walk with the agony in her body, but she pressed on, not daring to stop.

Examining herself in the darkness, Theia discovered that she was wearing a long, white shirt that reached down to her ankles.

Confusion washed over her as she noticed blood staining her stomach. How did she get hurt? Why was she alone? The questions swirled in her mind as she continued running, her sobs growing louder.

No one was around to help her. The streets were empty, devoid of any sign of life. Panic welled up inside her, wondering why no one was there to lend a helping hand. Did she do something wrong? Why was she always left to fend for herself?

A dark, blurred silhouette of a man came into view at the end of the street. Theia's instincts screamed at her that he was not there to help. She felt a deep unease settle in her bones, a knowledge that no one would ever come to her aid. But why? What had she done to deserve this abandonment?

The man began to approach quickly, and a glimmer of hope flickered in Theia's heart. Maybe he could tell her who she was and why she was in this terrifying situation. Maybe he could why she didn't remember anything and how she got there.

However, her hope quickly turned to fear once again. She couldn't trust him or anyone. In a desperate attempt to escape, she spotted a small alley to her left.

Struggling through the pain, she hesitated for a moment before making her way into the dark and cold alley. It was her only option to avoid the man, even though it meant enduring more suffering.

Theia pressed on, relentless in her pursuit of freedom from the unknown entity that haunted her.

But the path was treacherous. As she ran through the alley, her foot caught on an object, causing her to stumble and fall. The pain intensified, but she refused to give up. Ignoring the injuries, she forced herself up, determined to find a way out of this nightmare.

Runner 1.Book  in Theia trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now