18. Chapter Memories

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memories sneak out of my eyes, 

and roll down my cheeks.

Theia's POV

As I stood there, smaller and younger, next to the formidable and strict woman everyone called Madam B, her stern voice echoed through the training room. "You are not concentrating enough!" she yelled sharply as I missed the target yet again. Shame washed over me as I struggled to hold back tears.

"I...I'm sorry, Madam B. I just..." I stammered, but before I could finish my sentence, her hand connected with my cheek in a stinging slap. The force of it made my head turn, and I fought to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes.

"No excuses!" she snapped, her tone unforgiving. "Now, do it again and properly this time." Trembling with fear and adrenaline, I nodded silently and aimed my gun at the target once more. My hands shook uncontrollably as I struggled to steady my aim. How even could I? There was too much pressure on me, and I was just a child.

Summoning every ounce of concentration I could muster, I squeezed the trigger, and this time, to my relief, the shot found its mark. Despite my success, Madam B's expression remained stern. "Good," she acknowledged. "I hope that won't happen again. But I still think you will need to be punished."

My heart sank at her words, panic gripping me as I imagined what form my punishment might take. "What...Wait...but...I..I shot it," I protested weakly, my voice trembling with fear and confusion.

As Madam B crouched down to my level, her stern glare bore into me with an intensity that made my skin crawl. Before I could react, her hand lashed out once again, striking me across the face with a sharp slap. Pain exploded across my cheek, but I bit back any cries or protests.

"Never talk back unless you are spoken to. Do you understand?" she demanded, her voice dripping with venom. I remained silent, unable to meet her gaze, and she delivered another punishing slap. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I fought to hold them back.

"Do you understand?!" she repeated, her tone harsh and unforgiving. With a trembling voice, I nodded, my gaze fixed firmly on the ground beneath me. "Yes," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

"Good," she declared, her expression relenting only slightly. Turning to the man in the black uniform with the gun, she issued her final command. "Now take her and remind her what she needs to do and what she is forbidden."

The man nodded curtly, his grip tightening on my arm as he dragged me away. Fear and uncertainty churned in the pit of my stomach as I was led away, knowing that the punishment I faced would be severe and unforgiving.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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