4. Chapter Lost and lust for justice

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We cried and laughed,

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We cried and laughed,

we made many promises,

that won't be fulfilled.

Theia's POV

I was still looking at my house, captivated by the sheer magnitude of the situation unfolding before my eyes, when suddenly two menacing figures clothed in black attire burst out of the front door, armed with guns.

My heart raced with fear and adrenaline as my instincts kicked in, urging me to find cover.

I quickly ducked behind a cluster of dense bushes, peering through the leaves to observe their movements. Questions flooded my mind, my thoughts a jumbled mess of disbelief and confusion. What in the world was happening? Why were these mysterious individuals frantically scouring the area, their intent palpable in their haste?

To my astonishment, as the two men made their way towards a nearby van, I noticed something eerily familiar about their vehicle - If I remember correctly it looked like it was the same van I had seen at school earlier.

My mind flashed back to the peculiar encounter I had witnessed earlier that day, where I caught glimpse of a man who bore a striking resemblance to one of the men now fleeing my house.

The realization sent chills down my spine. Could it be mere coincidence that their paths had crossed again? Or was there something more sinister at play?

Fear gripped me tightly as I contemplated the potential dangers that lay ahead.

What if they spotted me?

What if they decided to harm me or worse, kidnap me, leaving me never to see my parents again?

Panic threatened to consume me, but my determination to survive propelled me to stay hidden and observe.

As the men reached the van, one of them hastily forced open the back doors, revealing three additional men already seated inside, each clutching their own gun.

Without hesitation, the man who had opened the van hoped inside, while the other swiftly occupied the passenger seat.

It dawned on me that the presence of a driver was necessary - a means to make a swift escape in their dark, foreboding vehicle.

Unable to resist the urge to document this surreal moment, I discreetly snapped a photo of the license plate and the van itself, wondering why all criminals seemed to have a penchant for black vans.

Wasn't it highly conspicuous? Surely, it couldn't be a mere coincidence that such a vehicle was synonymous with horrible activities. Sighing to myself, I pondered the irony of it all.

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