10. Chapter Help

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If I could wake up,

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If I could wake up,

and not think about it,

I would.

Theia POV

"Hey. Hey Theia wake up we are almost there," Jessie said, gently shaking me awake. I groaned and reluctantly opened my eyes, realizing that it had already started getting dark outside the train window.

"OK. I-I'm up, don't worry," I replied, my voice still groggy. I looked down at my hand and realized that I was still clutching my file. I must have fallen asleep while reading it. I quickly put it back in my bag and gathered my things.

Jessie was already standing, ready to go, just waiting for me to join her. "I didn't realize it would be already dark when we arrive," she commented looking out of the window as we left the compartment.

"Yeah, I didn't either," I responded quietly, feeling a tinge of unease creeping up on me. The train came to a stop, and we patiently waited for the doors to open.

"I just hope we didn't waste our money on this trip because this doctor turns out to be our best lead," I said, my voice filled with a mix of hope and skepticism. Jessie nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the same sense of uncertainty.

As the train doors finally opened, a chilly breeze hit us, a big contrast to the warmth of the train cabin.

I took a deep breath, inhaling the cold, fresh air, and stepped outside onto the platform. The surrounding darkness added an extra layer of uneasiness to our already mystery task.

Looking out at the people waiting for us on the platform, I couldn't help but feel a bit understanding.

"So where to now?" Jessie asked, breaking the silence once we were outside.

I took out my phone, where I had saved a map of the area and started showing her the right way.

"We'll need to walk down the street and take a few turns," I replied, grateful for the technology that guided us. I chuckled, thinking about how reliant we had become on our phones.

"Okay, let's go," Jessie said, her voice laced with determination. We started walking together, our footsteps echoing through the nearly empty streets. The only signs of life were occasional runners and people heading home from dinner or work.

As we continued our path, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched.

Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed a group of individuals following us. They looked really similar to the German men I had encountered in the library.

Instinctively, I reached for Jessie's hand and quickened our pace. She cast me a startled look at first, but her expression quickly shifted to one of concern when she too spotted the men following us.

Runner 1.Book  in Theia trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now