3. Chapter Hate on you Luck

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The luck wasn't on my side today

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The luck wasn't on my side today.

Maybe won't be tomorrow.

But someday it definitely will.

Theia's POV

I Walked in front of the door that leaded to my classroom, feeling a sense of familiarity wash over me. It was yet another day in this monotonous routine, where I found myself questioning why I still had to attend this school.

Everything they taught us here; I already knew like the back of my hand.

Most of the time, I found myself bored out of my mind, seeking solace in reading to quench my thirst for knowledge.

As fate would have it, my curiosity always seemed to be piqued by the very texts I stumbled upon in my free time, driving me to delve even deeper into their depths..

Before I knew it, I had absorbed the knowledge they tried to instill in me , leaving me with a sense of satisfaction. Perhaps that's why I still attended these classes – not necessarily to gain information, but to fend off the unbearable ennui that plagued me.

Nonetheless, I pushed open the door with my books and pen in one hand, a sense of detachment lingering within me.

As I made my way into the classroom, I couldn't help but notice the reaction of my fellow classmates. Some turned around briefly, hoping to catch a glimpse of their dear friends who had yet to arrive.

Little did they know that it was just me entering, disrupting their lives for a split second before they returned to their everyday conversations. It was a familiar scene that played out day after day, leaving me to embrace my lonely existence. 

While it did sometimes sting, knowing that the kids my age didn't seem interested in befriending or even talking to me, I held on to the hope that someday, someone would come along who would understand me. Perhaps there was someone out there who shared my passion for reading, someone who would want to spend time with me, or even have common interests.

Until that day arrived, I resolved to make the most of my remarkable journey through life.

As I took my seat and arranged my belongings on the desk, I couldn't help but notice the anticipation in the air. The bell hadn't rung yet, but the energy in the classroom was palpable. It seemed like everyone was eager to embark on another day of learning, despite my personal reservations. The anticipation, however, only served to remind me of the boredom that awaited me.

Mrs. Jenson, our teacher, entered the classroom with a stack of papers, books, and her trusty laptop in hand. Her presence commanded immediate attention, and a hush fell over the room. Silently, I observed my classmates, some unsuccessfully attempting to continue their conversations with whispering. It was amusing, really, how they thought they could slip by unnoticed. Yeah Well, whatever.

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