8. Chapter New friend and The truth

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Amid all the clouds, 

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Amid all the clouds, 

she was the only one that stood out.

 She smiled back at me,

 dragging me through the city.

Theia's POV

I swiftly reached out and grabbed hold of the file, feeling the weight of its mysteries in my hands. A surge of curiosity coursed through my veins, causing me to lose myself in a bewildered daze.

Just as I was on the verge of uncovering its secrets, an unsettling sound of police sirens shattered the stillness of the air. Were they closing in on me? Had someone called the police? They didn't seem to be so far. Has someone seen me coming into the house and called police. Ok now that doesn't matter.

Despite these pressing questions, I knew that I didn't have much time, my focus shifted back to the progress bar on the computer screen. I watched as the data neared completion, inching ever closer to the 100%.

Come on, come on. The agonizing seconds turned into an eternity, but at long last, the bar reached "complete" and a wave of relief washed over me.

Quickly, I disconnected the disk, clutching the important file tightly against my chest, and then quickly threw it in my bag. In a madness, I retraced my steps through the dimly lit hallway, taking the stairs two at a time before bursting forth into the embrace of a sunny day.

Casting a quick glance over my shoulder, the sirens grew louder, their hum urgency making me sprint further away from the scene.

Then when I was sure that I was far away I exhaled a breath of relief and started walking normally.

While strolling down the busy streets, lost in my own thoughts, fate had something unexpected in store for me. Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, I found myself walking towards another person, threatening to send both of us stumbling to the ground. In a desperate attempt to regain my balance, I instinctively reached out to steady myself.

With my heart pounding and adrenaline coursing through my veins, I finally dared to lift my gaze. Before me stood a girl looking the same age as myself, with a positive aura that instantly captured my attention. Her dark brown hair cascaded effortlessly, framing her face that had uniquely warm-toned complexion.

"I'm sorry-sorry, it's my fault. I-I was hurrying and wasn't paying attention," I stammered, feeling embarrassed. She let out a laugh and flashed me a warm smile.

"It's okay, really. I wasn't looking either," she reassured me, returning the smile. I breathed a sigh of relief and extended my hand.

"I'm Theia, Theia Einar," I introduced myself. She shook my hand, her grip firm yet gentle.

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