5. Chapter New Start, New challenges

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I want to start living my life,

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I want to start living my life,

I want to go out at night,

and do nothing but nonsense.

Theia's POV

When I opened my eyes, I found myself surrounded by an overwhelming brightness that left me momentarily disoriented.

I couldn't help but wonder where on earth I was. Had I forgotten to close my blinds again? The frustration of my daily routines being disrupted washed over me, igniting a deep resentment towards my life.

Struggling to regain my bearings, I blinked several times, hoping to sharpen my senses, but my throbbing head only intensified my confusion.

Recollections of the previous events remained shrouded in fog, leaving me with no memory to grasp onto. As the blinding light gradually dimmed, my eyes struggled to make out the peculiar surroundings.

It became abundantly clear that I was not in the familiar confines of my own bedroom, but rather in a pristine room permeated by the cold presence of sterile white walls.

Questions flooded my mind. How had I ended here? The last thing I recalled was arriving home, but something didn't feel right about that memory.

Panic seized my heart as I pondered the fate of my loved ones - my father and mother. What happened to them? Perhaps they had rushed my mother to the hospital, desperately trying to save her. The uncertainty gnawed at me.

To my surprise, a voice broke through the silence, drawing my attention towards a figure standing in the room.

A woman adorned in a white lab coat stood there, concern etched across her face as she approached me. "Miss Einar," she said gently, her voice soothing in its attempt to offer reassurance.

It was only then that I noticed she was holding some papers in her hands, presumably containing information about my condition.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Lorraine. How are you feeling?" she inquired, her eyes shifting between her notes and my face.

Stammering slightly, I responded, "Um, I-I think I'm fine. How did I end up here?"

My mind raced with possibilities, desperately trying to cobble together disjointed fragments of memory.

Doctor Lorraine's voice resonated with a calmness that provided a fleeting sense of solace amidst the chaos in my mind. "You passed out in the police car after you gave them your statement. Do you feel any pain? Specifically, how is your head?" she asked, her concern palpable.

I averted my gaze, momentarily lost in thought, before turning my attention back to the doctor. "I'm just a bit dizzy. Could I have a glass of water?" I requested, hoping that a sip of water would alleviate the disorienting sensation clouding my mind.

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