14. Chapter Dont freak out!

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My chest tightens

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My chest tightens. 

Breathing quickens.

 My breaths are shallow, and I cant hold them. 

The tears start to well up in my eyes.

Theia's Pov

"What!?" I exclaimed, my voice filled with shock and disbelief. "I... I can't possibly stay here at... the Avengers Tower. I need to go, I need to leave..." My mind raced, trying to come up with excuses. He knew about my parents, and worse, they found me in a Hydra facility, so they won't probably just let me leave.

Stark raised an intrigued eyebrow at my feeble attempts to resist. "And where exactly do you think you need to go?" he questioned, his skepticism underlying his words. "Because, right now, I don't believe you have anywhere else to be. Besides, you still need medical attention, considering you said you were kidnapped."

I couldn't believe it. This guy was unbelievable. "Fine," I reluctantly acquiesced, my frustration simmering beneath the surface. "But I'll stay here only as long as necessary, and then I'm gone." All I wanted was to lie down and let my weary body relax.

"That works for me," Stark replied, motioning for me to follow him.

We walked past conference rooms, some locked doors, and then down another hallway. And then, unable to contain my bewilderment, I spoke up. "By the way, isn't this technically kidnapping? I mean, I want to leave, but you're not letting me. Sounds pretty close to the definition, doesn't it?" I smirked, attempting to assert some control.

He chuckled dismissively. "Oh shush, please. We're primarily providing you with a place to sleep, food to eat, and everything you need. If this were truly kidnapping, it'd be a 10-star hotel experience, exclusively designed for captives."

I raised an eyebrow, skeptical of his statement. "Aren't hotels rated up to 5 stars?"

"You're right," he conceded with a smirk, "but THIS is the Avengers Tower. It's beyond the realm of ordinary ratings. It's undoubtedly a 10-star establishment." I rolled my eyes at his response, feeling both frustrated and mildly amused.

Eventually, we reached a door. Stark opened it, revealing a surprisingly spacious room.

My eyes widened as I took in the sight before me. The bed looked incredibly inviting, resembling a fluffy, heavenly marshmallow. How I would love to jump on it and let it whole swallow me.

An entire wall was adorned with expansive windows, illuminating the room with natural light. There were two doors, likely leading to a bathroom and a closet. A beautifully adorned table nestled in a corner, stocked with normal items as pens and .

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