6. Chapter Secrets

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If I told you my secrets,

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If I told you my secrets,

would you cherish them like your own,

and make me feel less alone.

Theia's POV

I found something.

When I was searching, a name popped out.

Richard James

34 years old

Owns a black van.

When I looked at the photo of his black van this license plate matched so I decided to look more into him.

Blah blah blah. Nothing important. Poor guy, living alone in small house. Ravenhood...wait its just a few houses down from my house.

What the hell?

I mean, the world is small, but why would you break in a house, just a few houses away from yours? That would make it just easier for police to find them. I then noticed something weird.

He didn't have any records for about 10 years. It's like he disappeared.

No medical records or police ones. Before that, when I now looked in his past, he had many records from small robberies, to fighting in the public, assault and even attack on civilian with a knife. But thankfully they survived and not a single dead person.

After that he was in jail for some time and then when he was released, he just disappeared.

Just as I was about to read more. I heard the wooden door creek open and shut close. I looked up and I froze. The man who walked in looked like the one I saw at school. Maybe its just my imagination but I don't like this. He seemed familiar and with the clothes he was wearing it was hard to tell who he really was.

He started walking towards the counter where Lily worked. He didn't look like some guy that just wanted to ask where he could find some book.

I quickly unplugged the computer from electricity and started to put it in my bag. Just then I heard a loud shot, I flinched and looked in the direction where I heard it. My bread hitched as I saw Lily fall onto the floor her stomach now covered in blood that started pouring out of the new wound.

Fuck. Why me. I felt tears in my eyes. I just silently wiped them away and then finished putting my things in my backpack. I looked back to see that the man was holding a gun in his hand. After that, three more men walked in. All three had a gun in one of their hands, and their faces covered with something looking like bandana.

I needed to get out over there without them noticing me. "Wo ist sie? I heard them say something in...

I think in German?

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