12. Chapter Powers and Avangers?

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In darkness deep, 

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In darkness deep, 

Im lost, alone,

 no light to guide,

 no hope is shown. 

Theia POV

I woke up in the same white room that had become all too familiar to me. The harsh, blinding light immediately triggered a throbbing headache. As I sat up, I noticed a figure in the room with me. It was none other than the man I had taken to calling the "man in the lab coat" in my mind. I cleared my throat, catching his attention.

"Oh, 0TH12, you're finally awake. I was beginning to think you wouldn't survive the experiment," he said with a smirk.

I shot him a glare before responding. "Well, obviously I did survive, otherwise I wouldn't be here, would I? Now, who are you? Since you seem to know who I am, it's only fair that I know your name. And don't expect me to keep calling you 'the man in the white lab coat,' it's too long and takes too much effort."

He chuckled. "It's a shame you don't remember me. After all, you were looking for me when I captured you and your friends."

It suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks. "Doctor Thomas Carter," I said, realization dawning on me.

He smiled and pointed to himself with a laugh. "Yes, yes, that's me! Doctor Thomas Carter."

I looked at him with a combination of confusion and disbelief. "Did you take something before coming here? Your behavior seems... off."

"So now that you are awake let's try and bring out those powers of yours." He said and stood up from his chair that was new in the room. In that moment four agents stepped inside the room and just stood there.

Before I had a chance to protest or even ask what he was talking about, four agents entered the room and positioned themselves around me. Panic began to well up inside me. What were these powers he was referring to? And how was I supposed to use them when I had no idea what they even were?

"So, what are you waiting for" Dr. Carter asked me.

"What am I supposed to do? I don't even know what these powers are, let alone how to use them," I voiced my concerns.

Doctor Carter groaned and grabbed a steel chair that mysteriously appeared in the room. "Pick up this chair."

I gave him a skeptical look but followed his instructions, reluctantly inching closer to the chair. Just as I was about to touch it, he stopped me.

Ok is these men mentally ill and just forgets what he is saying or what.

"No, no, don't touch it. Just focus on using your mind to lift it. Try thinking of picking it up but only with your mind." he clarified.

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