9. chapter Journey with Jessie

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There are many who says,

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There are many who says,

 you are my everything. 

But there are only a few,

who really mean it.

Theia POV

As I dived further into the file, my eyes widened at the information before me. Page after page, there were detailed notes of experiments led by different doctors in various rooms, using a range of substances.

And yet, through it all, there was one constant thing that was same: the same young girl, captured in photographs lying on different metal tables. It was a chilling realization that this girl was Theia herself, a truth that sent a shiver down her spine every time she was reminded of it.

Suddenly, the nightmares that had haunted me for years took on a whole new meaning. No longer were they mere fragments of my imagination, but rather fragments of suppressed memories from my childhood that had floated back to the surface of my mind.

It all began to make sense now, the fear and unease that followed her for days after each nightmare. In reality she was reliving moments from her past, memories locked away and forgotten, until now.

Lost in my thoughts, I was startled by Jessie's concerned voice breaking through the silence. "Hey, hey there, are you OK?"

It took a moment for me to collect myself before responding, "Yeah, I'm alright. Just stumbled upon some shocking information. And what about you? Did you find anything?"

Jessie glanced back at the computer screen, closing the file she had just finished reading. "I did find some files, but they were all quite strange," she admitted.

There was a hint of confusion in her voice. She looked away from the computer and back at me. "Where did you find these files? I mean they're just so – just so weird. They're unlike anything I've ever seen before."

Sighing, I made the decision to share the truth with Jessie. "I actually stole them from one of the men who attacked me. He was unconscious, so I took the opportunity to go through his belongings and found that disk." I gestured towards the disk that was inserted into my computer.

Jessie's eyes widened in surprise, clearly not expecting that revelation. "Well, that explains a lot," she said, her tone a mixture of admiration and concern. "I did manage to read most of the files, although they weren't very long. They were all filled with experimental data, detailing the tests done on each subject."

She sighed and grimaced. "Who would call people subjects that just so weird." She shook her head and continued: "But what's alarming is that every file ended with the "subjects" dying."

A wave of sadness washed over us both as Jessie shared this horrifying discovery. "Not only that," she again continued, her voice filled with a somber realization, "but all the people subjected to these experiments were around 30 to 30-something years old."

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