11. Chapter What?

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It's been years,

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It's been years,

since I was just child,

with an innocent heart.

Theia POV

I started to wake up, my eyelids heavy as if someone had placed bricks on them. Slowly, I forced myself to open my eyes, only to be blinded by the harsh, bright light that flooded the room.

I winced and closed my eyes again, giving myself a moment to adjust before attempting to open them once more. This time, the light was bearable, and I took in my surroundings.

I found myself lying on the cold, hard floor of a small room that was completely devoid of any furniture or color.

It was an empty canvas, with only a steel door breaking the monotony of the plain white walls. As I sat up, a wave of pain washed over me, intensifying the throbbing in my head.

Ignoring it, I stood up, determined to find out where I was and what had happened to my friends Jessie and Elijah.

With desperation coursing through my veins, I approached the metal door and pounded on it with my fists. "Hey! Hey, is someone out there!"

To my surprise, the door emitted a strange sound, causing me to instinctively step away. A few moments later, the door swung open, revealing a man I recognized from before. He looked old, his face wrinkled and his hair mix of black and grey, and he was now dressed in a white lab coat.

"Hello, 0TH12," the man greeted me with a fake smile. "How was your sleep?"

I gritted my teeth, refusing to acknowledge the name he had given me. "First of all, that's not my name," I retorted. "And second of all, where are Jessie and Elijah?"

The man chuckled, clearly enjoying my frustration. "Ah, yes. Then what is your name again?"

"It's Theia. T-H-E-I-A," I spat back at him. "Not that hard to remember, or is it too much for your old brain."

He feigned surprise at my response, his smile fading. "Of course, Theia. But that wasn't your original name, was it? Deep down, you know the truth. In here, you were, you are and you always will be 0TH12. Is that clear?"

I couldn't help but release a sarcastic laugh. "Fuck you," I shot back, my anger simmering just beneath the surface.

His expression hardened, his eyes glinting with a mix of frustration and superiority. "It seems you've lost your submissiveness," he remarked coldly. "We will have to correct that. So, tell me, 0TH12, do you remember your time here?" He asked as he circled me like an animal circling its prey.

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