13. Chapter What the hell is going on?

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My mind is blank,

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My mind is blank,

 I dont know what to feel,

 it scares me the most, 

so I made a deal.

Theia's Pov

The three of us, Jessie, Elijah, and I, found ourselves squeezed onto one side of the Quinjet, while on the other side sat Doctor Banner, now accompanied by Natasha. Tony was in the front of the Quinjet, expertly piloting it. Standing near us were Thor and Steve.

I have to admit, I was feeling incredibly nervous, and I could see that Jessie and Elijah felt the same way. We were on our way to the Avengers tower, which was absolutely mind-boggling. I still couldn't believe that we were heading there. I knew that our stay would be temporary, and eventually, we would have to return to our own lives. But the question was, where would I go?

Lost in my thoughts, I was abruptly brought back to reality by Natasha's voice. "Thor, report on the Hulk," she said, her gaze fixed on Dr. Banner.

Thor turned towards them, placing his hands on his hips, and took a step closer. "The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims," he said with a smile on his face.

My eyes widened in shock at his response , while Natasha turned to him with a glare and shot him a look that clearly said, "Are you serious?" Dr. Banner closed his eyes and let out a weary sigh, putting his head in his hand.

Thor, acknowledging the look Natasha gave him and realizing his mistake, attempted to rectify the situation. "But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no, uh wounded screams." I chuckled at his correction. "Mostly whimpering, complaining, and tales of sprained deltoids and gout." Thor turned away, not wanting to dig himself even deeper.

Just then, Tony's voice came from the front of the Quinjet. "Hey, Banner, Dr. Cho is on her way in from Seoul. Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?"

Dr. Banner turned and answered immediately. "Uh, yeah, she knows her way around."

Tony after that said something else, but I couldn't quite catch it. He then turned his seat and joined the others.

Seizing the opportunity, I made a decision. I stood up and began to walk across the Quinjet, but Jessie grabbed my arm, concern etched on her face. "What are you do... Where are you going?" she whispered urgently.

I smiled and reassured her, "Don't worry, I'll be right back."

With that I fully stood up and walked to the other side where Doctor was sitting. Everyone other was chattering so they didn't notice I moved.

Ignoring their puzzled looks, I made my way to the other side where Dr. Banner was sitting. Everyone seemed too caught up in their own conversations to notice me sneaking over. As I reached his side, nerves fluttered in my stomach, but I mustered up the courage to speak.

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