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"Yea what's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong it's just that I can't hang out with you and your group tomorrow I'm sorry"
"Its Fine we can reschedule but can I ask why"
"You know that new boy group zero something one?"
"Oh yea they just debuted"
"Yes i have to interview them tomorrow"
"Oh really?"
"Yup ugh hopefully it's not gonna be awkward"
"I'm hoping that it's not"
"Mhm thanks Sakura you're seriously the best cousin in the world"
"It's no problem just call me if you need anything ok?"
"Ok I will"
"Good i have to go bye!"
"Bye bye!"


"Hi!Its me y/n and I'm here with a barely debuted group ZEROBASEONE"
They started clapping and so did I to be a good host.

"Hm Hanbin you're the leader right?"
"That's right"
"Do you ever feel like using that against any of them before?"
"I try to but it doesn't really work"
"Oh well I'm sure they will eventually"

"Y/n i heard you're a very welcoming host that studies the groups before you interview them"
"Mhm why's that?"
"Can you tell us our names and ages by order."
"Uhh i can try"

"Uhm the oldest is jiwoong then Zhang hao and then you hanbin and uhm Matthew is next and the uhh taerea is after him and then is Ricky being the only 19 year old ...ahh i get confused with gyuvin and Gunwook uhhhh then is gyuvin I think and then Gunwook and after him is yujin."

"Wahh you're right"
"I know your age order but not y'all's actual ages so can y'all tell me"
They went in order and when it came to yujin i was so happy
"Im Han yujin and I'm 16"
"Wait really?!"
"Yea why?"
"Wahh I never met anyone my age besides Eunchae"
"Really?How old are you?"
"I'm 15 about to turn 16"

When I said that all of them were shocked and gyuvin asked me "huh?!When did you debut as a soloist?" "Hm oh 6 months ago" "ohh ok"

We continued the interview and we even played some games together.I could tell they were having fun and still trying to be professional.I let them show off their new song In bloom since my Y/n daycare interview show is very famous.

"Since we performed for you y/n can you perform for us?" I was surprised by Matthews sudden request until jiwoong added on by saying "He's right it would only be fair" they all agreed and started to hype me

My staff put in my newest song called "Deadly in love with you" it doesn't have a complicated dance but it has a lot of foot work and moves your hands a lot.

Before I even started to dance I said "i might look dumb without my backup Dancers but whatever"
And I sang to them while dancing.When i have the chance to give someone a show I'll put on a show for them.

When I was done they were praising me a lot.Telling me I'm very good at what i do and that they loved my little performance. "Wahh thank you all so much for coming and hopefully y'all had fun" "we did!" With that we wrapped the videos up.

When we were not filming taerea came up to me with a photo card of myself and asked for my autograph. I laughed at his shyness and agreed to do it.

"Wow I loved your songs since forever I'm glad I got to meet you" "I'm glad i got to meet you too" "i was hoping we could be friends?" "Wahhh!Of course we are!I actually only became a interviewer to make more friends and I'm glad that it's working!" He chuckled at my enthusiastic state and asked me something

"Are you actually 15?" "Mhm why would I lie about my age?" "Uh it's just that you're very good at what you do and you're still so young." "I get that a lot and I get it I'm too young for this but it's been my dream to be a idol since forever.So no way I'll let anyone try to ruin that for me" "You're very quite yet loud at the same time" "if you think I'm loud right now you should see me with my best friends!" He just laughed and walked away with his now signed photocard

Soloist | Han yujin Where stories live. Discover now