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FEBRUARY 14,2024

"I hate Valentine's Day" y/n pouted on w1cked live "why? I thought you were a hopeless romantic" Suyin asked "exactly! I have no valentines this year like every other year" y/n huffed

"We all don't" umi side eyed her member who's sulking "let's be each others galentines" Kira said "what is that?" Suyin asked "Valentine's but with friends because were gals" Kira explained

"Ohhh!" The three said "I still don't get it" Umi said right after pretending like she knew what it was making everyone laugh

"So we'll celebrate it but as friends?" Umi asked after another explanation "exactly" Kira nodded

"What no that would make me feel worse that I don't have a date" umi shook her head "that's so messed up I can't believe you'd say no to our offer" suyin gasped in disbelief

"Look at my cupcake!" Y/n exclaimed and showed her decorated cupcake That looks like a bunny "is it a bunny?" Kira asked

"Mhm" y/n nodded rather excitedly "it looks so cute like you" suyin squished the maknae cheeks "your adorable y/n" Kira admired the youngest

"Y/n fits being the maknae a lot" Umi smiled "right! I cant See her as not the youngest" Kira agreed "the ace maknae" suyin said "im not a ace" y/n shook her head

"You Are But ok" suyin shrugged "anyways look at my cupcake!" Umi showed her cupcake

It was a flower or thats what it looks like

"It's a flower right?" Kira asked "yup" umi nodded "It's so cute" y/n complimented "the colors are so pretty" suyin said

It was a white and light pink plus a darker pink.

" it's so cutey like umi" Kira said in English so it kinda rhymes "mine is cutey like umi" suyin showed her cupcake

"A..uhm..tree?" Kira said but it was more of a question than a statement "what?! It's not a tree! It's a capybara!" Suyin pouted "I can see it!" Y/n quickly comforted her longest friend

"Thank you y/n" suyin smiled "It's adorable!" Umi said but she's clueless as she thought it was in fact a tree

"Thank you two for seeing my capybara unlike someone" suyin eyed Kira at the end "in my defense who puts a capybara on a cupcake" Kira out her hands up "me! It's my favorite animal" suyin argued

"Who Likes capybaras? They're ugly and not interesting" Kira argued back "I like capybaras they're cute!" Suyin defended the poor oversized rat

"Whatever my bad I thought it was a turd" Kira rolled her eyes "it's not a poop or a tree!" Suyin got offended once again "look at my beautiful realistic ice cream" Kira ignored suyin

"It looks like two circles on top of each other to me" suyin scoffed "huh?! No it doesn't! Don't lie!" Kira sat up quickly after hearing suyins comment

"It looks cool Kira!" Y/n said "yea it's amazing" umi nodded "thank you!" Kira smiled at the two who are being supportive

"Maybe I would've been kind of you were too" suyin huffed "I'm sorry it looked like a tree" Kira said

"Let's eat our cupcakes now!" Y/n interrupted their argument "thats a great idea" umi agreed "to venoms!" Y/n started "to venoms" the rest followed and took a bite of their cup cake

"Oh" y/n muffled and got up to spit it out "is yours bad?" Kira asked "it's too much frosting" y/n said

"Is there any drinks?" Y/n asked and staff passed glasses of milk "Thank you" they all said at the same time

"Mines good" suyin said "mines too" Umi nodded "mines not bad" Kira shrugged "Kira unnie doesn't like sweets" y/n said "that's right" Kira nodded

"Y/n has a a huge sweet tooth along with suyin" umi Said "I love sweets" suyin smiled "is there frosting on my teeth?" Suyin covered her mouth and faced umi who sat next to her

"No. Is there some on mine?" Umi showed her teeth to suyin who shook her head "what about me?" Kira asked y/n "yea" y/n said and got some napkins to wipe it off

"Thank you and you have none" Kira said when y/n opened her mouth to show her teeth "mhm" y/n nodded

"When's my next interview y/n?" Kira read a comment "in two days" y/n answered "for who?" Suyin asked "IVE" y/n said "Wah you love IVE" Umi Said

"We all do" Kira laughed "our bias?" Suyin saw a comment "rei or Liz" Kira said "wonyoung" y/n said "yujin or leeso" Umi Said "probably gaeul" suyin Said

"Lesserafim?" Kira asked "Sakura and eunchea!" Y/n stated happily "Yunjin" suyin said "Cheawon" umi Said "Kazuha for me" Kira Said

"(G)I-DLE" Umi asked "wahh thats hard Uhh shuhua or Minnie" y/n said "y/n role model is her cousin and (g)I-dle" umi laughed "yuqi sunbaenim" Kira said "soyeon!" Suyin said "miyeon!" Umi Said

"Zerobaseone?" Kira asked "yujin!" Y/n answered in a heart best "After y/n day care yujin and her became close friends and we see him often. We hang out with him at school too" Umi said "jiwoong is cool" suyin said "zhanghao for me" Kira said "Matthew" Umi said

After a bunch of questions the live ended and y/n got a little text from her little crush.

I saw your live


I'm touched im your bias

Who else would I pick?


He's my bias wrecker but your my bias

I better be
Youre my bias from w1cked

I'd hope so
I didnt talk to you alone and
embarrassed myself for nothing

When did you embarrass
yourself in front of me?
You get flustered easily so
anything embarrasses you

That's true
I was in a wig and I bumped into you and
it fell How is that not embarrassing

I found it funny
I also found you cute

I get that a lot


But somehow when you say it it's
different I like when you say it better
than my fans

Ok cause I was about to say 🤨

Only you can have such a effect on me

Good to know the hold I have on you hehe
I got that from you

I'm so iconic
Of course you'd copy me and my famous sayings

You switch up so fast it's concerning
You turned humble to cocky

Uhm no
I'm so humble
Probably the most humble person on this earth

Sure you are...

I am
It's just not my fault I'm so charming,
phenomenal,admirable, remarkable,
and of course humble

I would remove humble

Uhm no that's the word
that describes me best

Sure it is y/n

Kira unnie is calling me be right back
If I end up never texting back I apologize
Nighty night yujin!

Good night y/n!




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