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The day of the interview for IVE comes and I was nervous. My members all decided to come support me(they're dives and wanted to meet IVE).

"You get to talk to IVE no fair" suyin complained "I love y/n's day care I get to talk to idols and sometimes i make friends" I showed off the quirks of having a show

"Be really nice and friendly so you can become friends with all of them" Kira begged "duh I love IVE" I smiled

"Really? Im glad to know our interviewer is a dive" yujin said walking towards me "ah hi yujin sunbaenim" we all greeted her and bowed at the same time

"Let's get started,shall we?" I welcomed them in

My three members still in shock by their sudden presence settled down with the staff.

"Hi it's me y/n! I'm with IVE-the best girl group ever!" I showed off my guest "I brought some food for us to eat so it hopefully doesn't get boring" I joked and they laughed

We all sat on the floor and I began asking questions.

"Wonyoung sunbaenim you were a mc before, how was it like? You're so friendly and kind,any tips for me?" I asked

"Let's see...I liked being an mc it was fun and I made friends along the way. It can be awkward at times but still smile the whole time. If you want to be likable be yourself but act more like whoever your interviewing" wonyoung said

"Wahh you're a expert" I said amazed "it's nothing really and your a awesome host y/n!" Wonyoung smiled and I smiled widely just seeing her smile at me

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"Your a dive right?" Yujin asked me "mhm" I nodded chewing my food "do you know our ages?" Yujin smirked "I do actually!" I laughed

"The oldest is Gaeul,yujin,rei,wonyoung,Liz, and leeso" I Said with no hesitation "You really are a fan" Liz laughed


"Have you interacted with any of us besides now?" Leeso asked "I met rei before" I looked at the Japanese girl who's now smiling at me "that's right" rei nodded

"How did you two meet?" Gaeul asked "I was lost at a music award and I couldn't find my room backstage and uh" I trailed off slightly embarrassed

"rei found me calling my manager freaking out because I can't find any of my staff or anyone I recognized. She helped me find my room which was on the whole other side of where we were at" I continued

"Y/n felt bad for 'wasting my time' so two days after she took me out for lunch and we became friends" rei added

"Aww that's a cute story" Liz said

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"Y/n you said you make a lot if friends on this show, right?" Gaeul asked with a smirk "do you mean Yujin from zerobaseone?" Yujin asked also with a smirk

I froze and stared at my members who are lauging badly at the question which was completely off topic from our original conversation.

"I became friends with him but I also made more than just him" I coughed out "do you have a crush?" Liz asked "a boyfriend?" Leeso raised a brow

"We can keep a secret" wonyoung winked "is it yujin?" Rei asked

"Why do yall think i Like yujin?" I asked laughing a Bit "You two walk to each others class everyday and you eat lunch together" Gaeul said

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