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Mei was waiting for us at our classroom. We all just looked at her before trying to get past her-that didn't happen but what did was get her pissed at us!

"That's not very nice now is it?" She said clutching onto Umi shoulder "I miss the old us where umi wouldn't stand up for herself!Suyin minded her own god damn business!Y/n didn't always follow her like some side kick!And Kira wasn't so passionate on being a idol..I mean seriously do you think they'll pick you?"

"You have no say in what we do so go away" Suyin said standing up for all of us "Hmm I would but he seems like my friend likes y'all" "we'll ignore him just don't talk to us" Kira said "Uh huh well thanks but no" "what why?!" Umi asked

"Yujin was happy with y'all so I don't mind being with you guys for lunch" "uh yea but we do!" I said "Y/n do you care for yujin?" Mei suddenly asked

All of us were confused by that question so we all looked at each other "look I don't have to answer your dumb question we're all gonna be late if we don't go" i said "do you care for him or not?!" She asked aggressively

"Yea hes my friend-" "Exactly so he's going to eat with you and with me I don't care if y'all don't like me Yujin is happy and that's all I care about!"

Does she have a crush on him or something? I mean she is his only friend so he might like her back.. Ugh how dare he be with the one girl I hate most! I am not jealous about it just a bit concerned..


Does she like him or what?HeS HapPY aND tHAtS AlL I caRe AboUT my ass.She obviously likes him and no way in hell am I going to let her ruin my ship.

"Do you like him?" I suddenly asked and Mei looked flustered and shy "yea he's my childhood fr-" "no romantically do you like him?" "Why would I tell you that?!" "You don't have to cause it's obvious you do so bye bye"

I said before grabbing my friends hands dragging them to class. "What was that about?" Kira asked "what do you mean?" I answered her with another question

"If she likes him romantically?!" Kira said "she clearly likes him like that but I'm going to let her ruin my favorite ship!" I explained "what ship?" Y/n asked

We all stared at her dumbfounded.does she seriously not think we ship her and yujin?I knew she was kinda a idiot but not an airhead!

"You and you know who duh!" Kira said "Oh!uh I didn't know-" y/n started "I thought we were being obvious but two idiots definitely didn't get the hint" umi said

We made it to our class and we barely made it. "You four go to your seats" our teacher told us. I sat down bored.I never paid attention to class but was a excellent student.

I looked over to see what my friends were doing when I saw y/n upset.

Is it because Mei likes yujin and she does to?Sure that's competition for her but wow.Y/n likes guys quickly just by the looks of them.I never saw any of them to be serious crushes but yujin had made her have a serious one. Guess he really is special then.

"Huh Suyin pay attention!" "Yes teacher!" I hated school.I hate learning.I hate the staff.I hate the way we always have test.I hate everyone in there except my 3 friends.

I'm a very friendly person a very cheery one.That was before some bitch named Mei ruined it and made me look like some freak in everyone's eyes. It was when me,Kira,y/n,and umi became a quadruple.

"Look here it's suyin the girl who can't defend herself now that she's all alone" "shut up yes I can"
"Sure hm you really gotten uglier since we stopped being friends" "no I haven't" "Really?Thats too bad that no one told you.Well everyone hates you even your own friends.They want your money-oh your dads money" "I make my own money too" "Mhm well if it wasn't for your rich dad you wouldn't even be known too bad he's hospitalized and is helpless" I cut her off with a punch in the face.I kept hitting her everywhere I can until someone noticed she got a teacher.It wasn't long so she didn't get that hurt. When the teachers were scolding me Mei was crying telling them I did that out of no where. Another student says "she was angry earlier in class I think she was using you to let out her anger" after that everyone didn't talk to me.They replaced sweet suyin with some psycho suyin. That's why people take me seriously so much.I'm intimidating them just by my presence.Even when I told what happened no one care they believed fake ass Mei instead of me.

Just by remembering it made me mad.I can't deny that I do in fact take my anger out physically. So I did boxing it really helped me.I try not to get mad at my friends but I can't help it.I never hit them but I did get mad at them but try my best not to get physical.

I saw someone staring at me it was Kira.I was confused to why she was looking at me when I saw someone in front of me. It was a boy from my class he's very quiet but hot as fuck.

He looked shy and it was cute knowing he's usually not like that. "Uh suyin" "mhm that's me" "ah do you want to go on a date with me?" "Sure!When and where?" "Here's my number I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7" "I'll be ready by then"

Once he walked away all my friends Kept drowning me with questions "What's his name?" "Have you talked to him before?" "Do you like him?" "I never realized him before did you?" " is he your type?"

"I acknowledge him but I never talked to him and his name is Kei" "what about his last name?" Umi asked "No idea" I answered "Didn't he go to our middle school" Kira wondered "uh I think he did" y/n Said "can we help you get ready?" Kira suddenly asked "Hell yea y'all are!"

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