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"For our live there will be four different cameras filming each one of us," I started off "we will be talking care of six year olds for this live" suyin said laughing awkwardly patting the six year old in front of her shoulder

"Introduce yourself" umi said to the kid in front of her encouragingly "uhh..I'm Kim Nabi"

When we first met them Nabi was the quietest which is why we put her with Umi. Umi will be able to calm her nerves and let her have a good time.

"I'm Washimi Micha" suyin's six year old piqued up. Just like Suyin Micha is loud and likes to run around to wherever. If she had a motto it would be "I go wherever the wind takes me"

"Lee Eunji is the name" Kira's kid smiled brightly. Eunji seems very outgoing and loud. Kira seems to like her too.

"oh Minhyu Yujin" mine said

Yujin was very friendly and kind with me off camera but now that were filming she's shy. "You'll be fine yujin you're with me after all I won't let anything happen to you" I whispered to her

It seemed to calm her down too. Her frown was replaced by a smile in a instant when I said that.

"Let's go now!" I cheered and my members took their kids off somewhere with their camera men chasing after them

I crouched down to yujin height to ask her. "Yuyu where do you want to go?" I asked using the nickname I made before we filmed "my parents never took me to a arcade..can we go there?" She asked so innocently

"Where ever you want to go just tell me and we'll go there" I smiled patting her head

I took her hand in mine and we started walking to where she wanted. The whole time there I was asking her questions about her life and about school.

She seemed really eager to talk about it. She looked happy to talk to someone about her school life.

"Do you have any siblings yuyu?" I asked "no and my parents are lawy-no I forgot" yujin Said with a sigh

"What do You do for fun then yujin?" I asked "I play Cham Cham Cham with my friends at school and my nanny" yujin smiled

"I never heard of it..what is it?" I asked "seriously? It's not old and neither are you I would think you would know" yujin spoke surprised

"What were you doing at my age?" Yujin asked "when I was six I was in gymnastics" I said "I'm not flexible at all to do that" Yujin said in awe

"And when you were ten?" Yujin asked "I became a trainee to become a idol so..what are you doing?" "One,two,three,four,five..you trained for five years?" Yujin asked  after doing math with her tiny fingers

"Yea once I became one I had no time to do anything else so I gave up on gymnastics" I said "you're my favorite idol for that y/n!" Yujin smiled

"Why?" I asked laughing a Bit "Youre Inspiring, pretty, smart,a good idol,and kind! You're what everyone wants to be" yujin cheered

"I met three Yujins this year and they all seem very fond of me" I laughed "what does fond mean?" Yujin asked "they enjoy me being with them" I explained

"Hmm yujin from IVE and yujin from zerobaseone" yujin asked "yup" i nodded

I heard a Ding come from my pocket. I took my phone out my pocket to see it was Han yujin who texted me. I still havent let go of little Yujins hand.

I saw the message and laughed upon reading it.

"Zerobaseone maknae just texted me saying 'why are you talking about me on your live' oh! A other one! This one says a 'why did you bring me up?why are you being a little snitch' In all caps" I giggled out

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