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Still on call I looked at the pictures suyin sent in our group chat. Seeing the pictures I gasped and yujin peeked over my shoulder to see them too.

He too gasped then frowned.

"Y/n ..Im so sorry I asked you to be here and you warned me that we'll get caught-" "yujin it's fine the pictures are clearly us but..there's actually no positives in this situation" I said

"Jiwoong is here" yujin Said and grabbed my hand to lead me out of here

Once we got there I expected jiwoong to scold us for being reckless but he didn't. Instead,he started hyping us up.

"You two look cute together! Holding hands and everything too! Just to be sure...are you two not dating? Cause these pictures are debatable" jiwoong said

I blushed at his comments and yujin also got flustered and started messing with his bangs.

"We're not dating" yujin dead panned at his hyungs words "whatever you say" jiwoong shrugged and started the car

The whole ride was silent other than jiwoong blasting music in hope it doesn't get awkward.

Yujin was drowning the whole time and I knew why. He felt guilty that we're in bigger trouble than we were already.

I hated the threats I got and the hate but it wouldn't stop me from talking to yujin at all. If anything it only encouraged me to talk to him even more out of pettiness.

When jiwoong was in front of my dorm I heard yujin mumble a quick 'good bye'. I wasn't too sure if he didn't say that though so I didn't say anything.

As soon as I got out of the car all my members ran out and hugged me

"Never go out again without telling us!" Kira scolded "we were so worried y/n! I'm just glad your safe!" Suyin said "y/n! You can't be so reckless anymore" Umi frowned

"Sorry" I said looking at my feet "don't apologize
y/n" suyin patted my head "we're all human things like this happen" kira comforted me "the only thing that matters is that your not hurt" umi said

"It's late and cold let's go inside" kira said and we all made our way to our dorm

When I got in bed after washing up. I couldn't go to sleep. Not because I took a long nap earlier. It was because I was scared what my and yujins company would say about our scandal.

All I can hope for is they don't ban us from talking to each other. If they do I'll be sad by the fact we won't hang out anymore.

As expected I was called to have a chat with the head of the company. When i walked in there and saw yujin I knew exactly where this was going.

"Do you want to explain this?" They said showing us the pictures taken of us together

"Do you want to explain this?" They said showing us the pictures taken of us together

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